CH-41 One for All vs All for One

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Midoriya's POV
Everything went black when Shigaraki placed his hand on my face to try and steal my quirk, I didn't know what was happening but when my eyes opened I could see but it wasn't the city were fighting in. It was the OFA world. My body was about 75% manifested but I still didn't have a mouth to talk, my legs and both of my arms had formed but I couldn't move around at all, I looked around and saw Shigaraki at the end of the area we were in with All for One as a mist being like the vestiges but was trying to merge with Shigaraki.
"Get out... Don't get closer" Shigaraki said to All for One.
"Even if you say so Tomura... If I hadn't lent you my power you would've been burnt to a crisp. And even if you survived that, wouldn't a fall from this height mean certain death?" All for One replied.
"Shut your trap, I already told you. This... Is my path... MY DREAM" He responded. Shigaraki stared right at me, he was going to try and steal my power.
"You still can't move in this world, how about we help you out" A voice from behind me said, it was Nana Shimura. "To think we'd meet after my passing... All for One" Nana said to him.
"Ah, if it isn't a talking corpse. Not just any corpse but your grandmother" All for One laughed.

All for One rambled on about quirks and the fact that they hold consciousnesses, much like how organs which were donated still possess the original owners cells.
"Nana Shimura... Why are you here?" Shigaraki asked.
"You are Kotaro's-" She tried to answer but was interrupted.
"Whatever the reason, don't worry grandmother. I blame you too" Shigaraki stated. The OFA world started to erode away as Shigaraki was trying to steal it, Shigaraki was also trying to get rid of All for One but was unsuccessful. As the erosion was about to reach me but then the first user appeared to my side to assist Nana Shimura in pushing back against it, the ability to keep ahold of a quirk from All for One's quirk was tied to your will. My will wasn't strong enough to beat Shigaraki's as he was groomed to have a strong enough will to steal One for All but Nana and the first helped me.
"We won't be going with you. We have decided to stay with this boy" The first said to All for One and Shigaraki. I managed to move my arms up and in front of me like the first and Nana to fight back against this too. I won't be giving up now, I have a lot to do. I will defeat you All for One, I will live. I promised Kyo that I would live so I will. I won't have my last promise to her broken. NOW GET OUT. The erosion started to disappear and we were pushing them out.
"What the hell..?" Shigaraki questioned.

I blinked and I was back in the real world, Shigaraki and I were falling through the air. He was completely burnt all over whilst I had broken every bone in my arms and legs, I still had my power meaning that he wasn't able to steal it. Did he not work with All for One? Are they now on opposite sides? Wait, that doesn't matter right now. I need to finish this whilst he can't do anything. I ignored the pain my body was in and tried to activate my quirk, my entire body was surrounded by blue lightning and my hair started to glow blue.
"ONE FOR ALL, FULL COWLING 100%!!!" I screamed as my power flowed throughout my entire body. Here goes, my last chance. I have to give me all of my power to defeat him, if I don't he could escape. I will most likely lose consciousness soon, I have to finish with the next few attacks. I activated blackwhip and wrapped it around him whilst activating float to keep us in the air, whilst in the air I don't have to hold back as nobody will get caught up in the shockwaves. I brought him closer and sent a punch to his stomach and propelled him upwards with it. "DETROIT SMASH!!!!" I yelled as the punch sent him higher into the air, I could no longer feel my left arm and blackwhip around him dissipated. Guess I need to be able to feel my arm to use blackwhip. I can't attack with my right arm then. I grabbed him with blackwhip again but from my right arm this time and pulled myself up to him. My left arm just flopped on my side as though it would fall off as I approached him, I went right above him keeping blackwhip gripping around him. Shigaraki's eyes flickered open but he couldn't move from the amount of blackwhip surrounding him, I started to do front flips as I fell towards Shigaraki and axe kicked his head. "TOKYO SMASH!!!" I shouted with pain in my voice from my shattered bones, after that attack I could no longer feel my right leg but it wasn't as serious as my left arm. I knew that I only had one attack left in me so had to make it count, I pulled Shigaraki up to me with blackwhip whilst I kicked the air to launch myself at him. I pulled back my right arm and saw a light pass through 8 different lights before reaching the ninth, I grabbed the light with my right hand and it completely repaired so it was no longer broken.
"NOOOOOOO" Shiagraki managed to scream as he sent a sharp tendril at me, I created a smokescreen to dodge the attack and emerged right in front of him from the side as I swivelled around to hit him down to the ground.
"UNITED!!!" I screamed as I drew my fist towards Shigaraki.
"STATES OF!!!" I continued as my fist connected with his face.
"SMASH!!!!!!!!!!" I finished as I released black whip sending him to the ground at a speed the human eye couldn't comprehend. The impact created a giant crater and sent everyone who was on the ground flying to the side, I started to lose consciousness as I fell to the ground. Heh, I guess this is the end. I finished off Shigaraki so All for One is finished for good and it looks like I'll die from the fall. Poetic isn't it, One for All and All for One dying together. I closed my eyes and prepared to die. "I'm sorry Kyoka" I whispered to myself.

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