CH-11 Together

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Jiro's POV
I had been at Death Arms agency for 4 days and nothing eventful had happened yet, then I got a text. He hasn't messaged me at all during the internships, lets see... Huh, what's this. Midoriya had sent his location to the class group chat, everyone started messaging him but with no reply. I started worrying a bit, wondering why he would send a location for an alleyway in the middle of Hosu. I brushed it off when I had to go help out at the agency.

The next day I woke up and checked my phone to see that Midoriya had responded to the group chat.
M: Hey guys, sorry to worry you it's all fine now
K: Dude what happened?
M: It was related to the events in Hosu
S: You mean with the Nomus and Hero Killer!
M: Uhm... Yeah
This conversation continued with Midoriya, Todoroki and Ilda not revealing too much about what happened but I wasn't buying it when they said nothing much happened. I then decided to call Midoriya.
"Hey Jiro what's up?"
"Tell me"
"Huh, what are you talking about?" He was nervous even on the phone, I could tell when he was lying or hiding something.
"Hosu. What happened? I know you're hiding something"
"Uh-Uhm nothing much happened" I could tell he was panicking.
"Alright listen here Midoriya. You're gonna tell me what happened or I'll make sure you stay in that hospital for a lot longer than a few days"
"I can't I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to talk about it, I wish I could tell you but it isn't possible at the moment"
"Right... Let me guess. You fought either the Nomu or the Hero Killer and you have to keep it secret to avoid punishment as we don't have our licences yet"
"U-Uh-Uhm, w-well I-I-I"
"Alright I get it, don't worry I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret" I could hear a sigh of relief as I said that.
"Thank you Jiro"
"You might as well just call me Kyoka, we are best friends after all"
"Okay, then you might as well call me Izuku"
"Alright, well get better soon and I'll talk to you soon. Izuku"
"Okay, thanks and talk soon. Kyoka"

I ended the call and went back to my jobs around the agency, that day I was called in for a rescue mission. I used my jacks to identify the number of villains and hostages, I didn't get to fight but I escorted the civilians to safety and what they said made me happy, 'Thank you, hero'.

Other than the rescue mission nothing too eventful happened at my internship, I just learnt about how a pro hero actually operates. Once my week was over I had returned to my home and prepared for school to start the next day.

I arrived at school and sat down, Izuku hadn't arrived yet so I was talking to some of the girls about our internships. Most people hadn't done much but Tsu said she stopped a bunch of drug smugglers, which everyone was jealous of. Then Midoriya entered and started talking to Ilda and Todoroki, he noticed me looking at him as I shot him a smile and he just smiled back. It wasn't long before someone brought up the fact that those three were in Hosu during the attack, they were saying that they were relieved they weren't involved in the attack. However I knew the truth, I helped Izuku out when they started asking questions about it but I did let him suffer through it for a little while as punishment for being so reckless. Then Aizawa came into class to start our lessons.

We all got changed into our hero costumes, except for Ilda who was in his gym uniform, and went to ground Beta. All Might was waiting for us there and explained that we would be doing a race to see our progress from the internships. In the first round was Izuku, Ilda, Sero, Mina and Ojiro. Everyone started betting on who they thought would win but nobody voted for Midoriya.
"Hey Jiro, who are you betting on?" Mina asked
"Easy, Izuku has this in the bag" I replied
"Really, he has a hard time controlling his qu- WAIT DID YOU CALL HIM IZUKU" Mina was shocked at me calling him by his first name and almost everyone started looking over at me for answers. I tried to hide my blush as I spoke.
"Yeah, we're best friends and he calls me Kyoka so I call him Izuku" I said trying to be as calm as possible. We weren't actually dating but I still got nervous.

The Shy Introverts - An IzuJiro StoryWhere stories live. Discover now