CH-47 Funeral

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Midoriya's POV
I woke up to the sound of my alarm early in the morning, I opened my eyes to see Kyoka cuddling into me so I carefully turned the alarm off as to not wake Kyoka up. I decided to not go on my morning run today and stay in bed with Kyoka until her alarm goes off, I cuddled into her for comfort as memories of All Might came through my mind. I couldn't fall back to sleep so just kept my eyes closed and held Kyoka tight until she woke up, she would return to class today as she had taken a day off from school due to her kidnapping and injury. It wasn't long before her alarm went off to wake her up, she moved her arm over to the bedside cabinet to turn off her alarm and sat up to get off of the bed. She was so used to me getting up before her that she didn't realise that I was still in bed, she was still half asleep evident by the fact that her eyes were closed but they suddenly shot open when she saw me still laying down on my bed.
"Huh, why haven't you gone for your morning run today?" Kyoka asked.
"Didn't feel like it" I replied whilst getting up myself.
"I understand. Come on, lets get changed and grab some breakfast" She suggested.
"Sure" I said going to grab my clothes for school.

We arrived downstairs a few minutes later to met by a big hug from Eri, we all sat down at the table and she told us about some of the things her and Yaoyorozu did last night as we ate breakfast. We dropped her off at the teachers dorm so they could take her to school before heading to class, since we had to drop off Eri we were the last two in the classroom but were there before Mr Aizawa. He rolled his way in a few minutes later and spoke to the class immediately.
"Alright, there is going to be an assembly so head out to the field and wait for Principal Nezu to start" Mr Aizawa said before just leaving the classroom. I assumed that it would have something to do with All Might's death so slowly walked out of the classroom behind the rest of my classmates, Kyoka walked alongside me knowing what was going through my mind but it didn't bother her that I was walking slowly.

After a few minutes we joined the rest of our classmates in our class' section of the field and waited for Principal Nezu to start, our entire class was confused as to why there was an assembly at this time especially since it wasn't the start of the week but couldn't think of what it was.
"Hello everyone, I understand that it is unusual to have an assembly at this time but there is an important announcement I must make. Unfortunately our Symbol of Peace All Might died in the hospital yesterday, he was injured protecting a student of this very school and later died of his injuries. In memorial of All Might we will be holding a funeral for all students to attend but it won't be his official funeral that will only be attended by close friends and family. We are also giving you the rest of the week off school due to this tragedy but I should let you know that the sports festival will be occurring as scheduled so you should be prepared for that. You will be allowed to enter the UA building to use the facilities or speak with any of the faculty. Thank you for listening, you may now return to your dorms" Nezu said whilst walking off of his platform. Many people started chatting about All Might whilst every member of my class just stared at me knowing what was going through my mind, Kirishima walked up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"You okay dude?" He asked.
"Yeah... I'm fine" I replied.
"You knew about this last night when you came back right? I'm sorry" Kirishima said.
"Thanks" I said. The rest of my class came over and gave me their condolences along with some of Class 2-B and some of the first years I trained earlier, we went back to the dorms after grabbing our bags from the classroom and I went straight to the common area not feeling the will to train.

After awhile Kirishima and Kacchan came up to the chair I was sitting on, they stood in front of me with their arms crossed and spoke.
"Alright you damn nerd stop sulking, we're going to go train" Kacchan insisted.
"I don't feel like it" I replied.
"Dude, All Might wouldn't want you to be like this" Kirishima said.
"Well he isn't here anymore" I responded.
"Alright, I guess I have no choice. Only one person can snap you out of this, and that's All Might. So you are going to go see him" Kacchan said whilst making a fist.
"What? Are you planning on killing me?" I asked.
"Unfortunately not, but there's another way for you two to talk" Kacchan explained.
"There is? How?" Kirishima asked.
"Like this" Kacchan answered whilst punching me in the face knocking me out.

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