CH-12 Final Exams

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Jiro's POV
It was the day of the final exams, I arrived at our class earlier than most. I was nervous, I had studied a lot with Izuku and trained till I was almost dead even though he didn't break a sweat. Very few people were already in class, I just sat down and waited for the exams to start and for Izuku. He arrived not too long after me, with Uraraka. For some reason when I saw them together I felt a stabbing pain in my chest, I decided to ignore it for now and focus on the exams to come.

Not too long later Mr Aizawa entered the classroom and explained how the exams would work before handing out the written exam. It lasted for 3 hours before we had to hand our papers in, I had finished 15 minutes before the end of our allotted time and was pretty confident with my answers thanks to Izuku. We all handed our papers before heading out to lunch to have a break before our practical exam. I sat next to Izuku quickly as I noticed that Uraraka was trying to sit next to him, she gave me an agitated look as I sat down which I just ignored. She sat opposite us next to Ilda, nobody else had noticed the glares she was giving me as we spoke. I tried to ignore her and focus on the practical exam up next.

Once we finished we went to the changing rooms and got into our hero costumes before meeting up to start the practical exams. This time we would be fighting against the teachers in a two on one. I was paired up with Koda, we hadn't spoken to each other at all but he seemed nice so I didn't mind. What worried me was Izuku's team. He was paired up with Bakugo and was up against All Might. Damn Izuku, you've got your work cut out for you with your teammate and your opponent. Good luck, I'll be rooting for you.

I went with Koda to strategise for our opponent, Present Mic. He was an interesting opponent and neither of us knew much about how he fought, only that his quirk made his voice incredibly loud. We didn't watch the other matches but they were all over fairly quickly, and eventually it was our turn. We went to the entrance of our field, a big forest most likely chosen so that Koda can use his quirk anivoice. We wandered through the forest without encountering Present Mic even though we were over half way through.
"Damn it, he's probably just standing at the escape gate waiting for us". As I said that a scream came rushing through the forest hitting us both, it didn't knock us back but it did make it difficult to hear afterwords. Damn it, what would Izuku do? He always comes up with good plans, so what would he do? I looked down at the rock in front of me and picked up an ant that was on it, I showed it to Koda to see if he could use bugs and insects to attack Present Mic but he ran away scared. Guess he doesn't like bugs.
"THERE YOU AREEEEEEE" Present Mic screamed but only hit me as Koda had ran away. I then begged Koda to control them so that we could win, he looked over at the bugs on the ground with fear before looking back at me. He noticed the blood pouring from my ears from Present Mic's attack and faced his fears he started talking to the bugs and asked them to attack Present Mic to give us an opening.
"WAIT YOU CAN TALK?". He just nodded and picked me up as I struggled to get up and carried me through the escape gate as our opponent laid on the ground past out from Koda's attack.

Our battle was over and I was taken to Recovery Girl to get my ears checked, luckily there was no permanent damage and she healed me up fully pretty quickly. I went to the room which Izuku and a few others were in to watch the remaining matches. Izuku had congratulated me on my win before leaving to go to his match, he was partnered up with Bakugo against All Might. A difficult match.

Midoriya's POV
I had just congratulated Kyoka on her win in her match before quickly heading off to my own match. I knew that it was going to be difficult, not only was I partnered with Kacchan who didn't like to work with me but we were against All Might. The number one hero was our opponent, he was unbeatable I doubted our chances of victory but still promised myself that I wouldn't give up. I was standing next to Kaachan as the gate opened and our match began.

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