CH-52 Family Fight

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Midoriya's POV
Me and Mirko broke into a facility owned by my father by breaking down the door and leaping in. The building was empty which was different from our intel suggested, this place was supposed to be a weapons storage facility that the Dragon regularly visited. My quirk was active at 90% causing me to glow allowing me to see in the building as there were no lights on, we walked around together looking for anything that could be useful.
"I knew you would head to this one. That's why I cleared it out ready for what is to come" A mystery voice said from the shadows. Me and Mirko both looked over to where we heard the voice as the lights turned on, Hisashi Midoriya was sitting in a makeshift throne at the back of the room. He started to float down and landed only a few metres away from us, his hands were behind his back but brought his right hand up to take off his mask revealing his face.
"So you were waiting for us, nice of you to give up" Mirko joked.
"Not quite, I'm here to take your quirk" Hisashi said whilst pointing at me.
"That isn't going to happen" I growled whilst preparing myself to fight although I was shaking, I couldn't bring myself to properly fight my father with my full power.

My father had realised that I wouldn't be able to fight him in my current state and Mirko could too, it wouldn't be smart for her to fight alone whilst I was here and would be targeted.
"You don't seem to be able to fight me. Well let me take advantage of this opportunity to tell you something. The real reason I left Japan" He said.
"T-The real reason?" I questioned.
"Yes, I didn't leave because I got a job offer but because I wanted to have my operation funnel out of America instead of Japan as All Might would make it difficult to keep my operation here. The reason I took your sister with me was because she had a powerful quirk that could help me, I would've taken you but you were quirkless and therefore useless to me" He said. I just lowered my head as I held back tears, nobody had called me useless in such a long time.
"T-Then why come back?" I asked.
"Simple, there were two reasons. The first being that I wanted to check on my smaller operation that was here. The second being I was curious as to how you got a quirk. You were quirkless but got into UA so I sent Hana to investigate, you were cautious around by not giving her much information which surprised me. Once I saw you battle Shigaraki on the news I decided to come and see you to figure what happened, I never cared about you. I just wanted your quirk for myself after finding out about it, I decided to take it slow at first but you wouldn't budge. I decided to use my underlings to try and get your quirk but they all failed. At least I got All Might killed with it" He answered.
"Y-You sent them after Kyoka?" I asked.
"Yeah, she told me that you two were dating back in the hospital so decided to wait to use it against you. Once I saw you two together on the news I knew that it would be the perfect opportunity as you wouldn't be able to suspect me because everyone now knew" He laughed.
"You hurt Kyoka... You killed All Might... HOW DARE YOU!!!" I screamed as I activated my power at 100% as I stared him down with a look of pure rage came over my face.

My lightning turned blue along with my hair as it stood on end, the sign that I was using my full power and not holding back. I rarely use this much power and only a few people have ever been on its receiving end, telling me everything he did was a mistake. Now I will hold nothing back as I have no feelings towards him anymore, or my sister for helping this maniac. He started to float away by what I was assuming was Hana's doing, she emerged from behind the makeshift throne before staring me down.
"If you want dad, you'll have to go through me first" She said whilst giving me a cocky grin, I returned with my own grin as I prepared to attack.
"Fine, I send you into a coma with a single punch first then" I said as I started to walk towards her creating shockwaves and small craters with every step. "Mirko, keep an eye on Hisashi. Make sure he doesn't get away" I instructed.
"Got it, leave it to me" Mirko replied whilst jumping to the side so that she wouldn't get caught in my shockwaves.

After Mirko got a a safe distance away I knew that I was free to attack with my full power, I sent a single punch in Hana's direction sending her through the wall destroying the entire building in one shot. She started floating upwards using her quirk to try and fight me but it was all futile, she activated her quirk on me trying to bury me in the floor but I didn't even flinch. I knew how her quirk worked now so I could easily counter it, using 100% of my power I continuously press against the floor stopping me from being immobilised. I jumped into the air to meet her face to face and punched her in the face using my left arm so my right arm wouldn't receive any damage in case I ended up losing it, she flew across the city crashing into the road. I used float to stay off of the ground as I approached her to see if she was still conscious, as I arrived I saw her unconscious on the ground. The police arrived at that time so I wrapped her up with blackwhip and handed her over to the police so I could deal with my father.

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