Chapter 1: Runaway

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(Jesse's POV)

I- I just don't understand.. But maybe it was all my fault.. I try so hard to keep the group together but it never works.. I couldn't save rueben.. And the whole Admin situation wouldn't have happened if I wouldn't have picked up that gauntlet! Its always my fault isn't it? I can't think straight right now! I need to get out of here for the night! "Jesse? Is that you?"

"Ah! Oh.. It's just you Radar.."

"Ha yeah.. Why are you outside in the middle of the night? Not to mention that it's storming!"

"Oh- I uhh needed time to think!"

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine! Can you tell the others that I'll be gone for a bit? And tell Lukas not to worry about me."

"Sure thing!"

"Okay.. I'll see you later then."

"Yeah see ya."

I need to get out of here.. Get out of Beacontown. So I went to the shop to pick up a hoodie for a disguise so nobody knew who I was.. Now it's time to go.. Bye Beacontown.. I'll see you soon.. And with that I went past the gates into the great unknown..

I was walking for a bit and then a thought hit me.. 'What would they think if I went missing?'

They probably wouldn't even care.. Petra would probably throw a whole party! She sure doesn't like me anymore.. Lukas is really the only one who actually cares.. The others just watch us fight in shock. What happened to us? That one day where we made that oath to never turn on each other.. The day we became the new order of the stone.. So what happened? Did I do something to them? All I remember doing is saving the world.. But I've made my decision.. It's time to say goodbye and move on.. Radar can handle looking after the town.. And the others won't care one bit.. Well Lukas might.. Thats the one thing that upsets me.. I can't even say goodbye to him. Me and Lukas go way back. I actually wish we were more than friends.. But we're not.. Just friends.. And that's all we will ever be.. I got off guard as a zombie attacked me.. I reached out for my sword but it wasn't there! STUPID STUPID! I forgot my sword! So all I could do was run.. But that didn't turn out very well.. I had tripped. How could I leave to head off into the great unknown but without a sword?! I was wounded and the zombie was headed right for me. But then daybreak came and the sun killed it.. I sure got Lucky.. Now I gotta craft a sword like right now if I wanna survive! I came to a tree and started punching it. I crafted about five wooden swords because wooden ones don't last very long. I could've just ran back home and got my enchanted one but I'm not risking running into the others.. All of a sudden my body started aching. I forgot that my arm was wounded! And I didn't pack a first aid kit either. Meh I'll be okay. So then I started walking ahead farther and farther away from Beacontown..


I'm so sorry if the chapter is short! But i honestly felt like this was a good place to end it! Cya in the next chapter!

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