Chapter 10: Whats her weakness?

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(Jesse's POV)

"Hey wake up!"

"H- huh?"

"I'm back..."

"Ugh can you please just let me go??"

"Ugh Jesse no.. I'm obviously not going to so stop asking me!!"

"I thought you turned good?"

"It was a trick.. So you would lead me out of the terminal space... That obviously backfired so i found another way to get out..."


"Like I'm gonna tell you!"

"Also Jesse, I've been spying on you.. And the order... I know everything that goes on! I know about your crush on Lukas... And let me tell ya this... You are never going to see him again.. EVER!"

"Your stupid mind games won't work on me Romeo!"

"Oh no but it's the truth!"

"Why should i listen to you?"

"More like why shouldn't you Jesse...."

"Hmm let's see... You're evil! You kidnapped me! And you're not letting me go obviously!"

"Of course I'm not gonna let you go dummy! And if you would've just said yes and came with me I'd let you go and you wouldn't be in this state..."

"I told you i don't love you! I love Lukas!"

"What if he doesn't love you back.."

"I am perfectly fine with that.. Still doesn't change the fact i don't love you! I don't even want you as a friend!"

"You'll regret your decision... Jesse.."

"Mhm yeah sureee."

"Ugh! Why do you have to be so difficult!"

"Um because i honestly like hate you!"

"Untie me now!" I shouted.

"No... I won't!"


"What would that do for me? Nothing!"

"What exactly are you planning to do with me? You're going to kill me aren't you?"

"No.. I'm not going to do that."

"Okay then..."

"Cmon.. Be my champion.."


"What can i do to convince you then?"

"There is nothing you can do to make me!"

"Oh c'mon... You don't have a weakness?"

"No! No i don't!"

I was lying.. Of course i have a weakness.. He can't really be that dumb can he? My weakness is Lukas.. So he better not find that out. "Ugh i don't believe you!"

"I told you i don't have a weakness..."

"Very well then.. Miss 'Wither Slayer.'"

"I'll be back.. And you will regret your decision..." He said as we walked away.

"You know i know what your thinking right?" A voice said.

"Whos there?!"

"You are such a dummy!" They said walking forward..

It was that same girl again.... "Ugh! Who are you?"

"Stop asking me that! Because you know exactly who i am!"

"No i don't!"

"Just forget it! I know everything that goes on.." They started. "You have a crush on Lukas.. And want to live you happily ever after... While Romeo has you trapped down here waiting for you to love him.. Romeo wants to know your weakness but you are way to suborn to tell him.. But of course i know what that is..."

"You can't possibly know what weakens me..."

"Lukas.. That's your weakness..."

"Who the hell are you?! How can you possibly know that?! Only i knows that!"

"You are just so stupid! Ugh! I told you that you know who i am!"

"Well i don't!"

"I'm giving you another chance.. So come with me... I can help you escape... And I'll bring you right to Lukas..."

"Y- you will?" Snap out of it Jesse! She's lying! It's all a trap! "No! I don't believe you! I don't even know who you are!"

"You wanna suffer? Because that's going to happen if you stay down here..."

"I told you no! Deal with it..."

"Ugh fine! Be suborn.. It gets you nowheres!"

"Look out Jesse... Because I'll be watching you..." they girl said before she disappeared.

That was way too close.. I almost gave in! Who knows here she could've taken me! It's been like 3 days since i talked to Lukas in the dream realm... I hope he's close to finding me! I don't wanna stay here anymore.. I just wanna go home! That's all want at this point! To go home! To be with my friends.. To lead the town! I'm not sure exactly what he meant by beacon town was in chaos but it definitely didn't mean anything good! I miss my friends... And i miss the order hall.. I wish i could just run up to those bedrooms and sleep on the nice comfy bed.. But i can't do that! I don't even know if beacon town is even anywhere's close to here! It's just so cold and wet and damp.. And my overalls are ripped so that doesn't really help.. I wish Lukas would just find me already and save me! I know i have to be patient but i can't wait any longer! I just want to see him.. He's probably out by himself too! Knowing Olivia because she doesn't even believe in the dream realm! And her and Axel would be to busy with their towns anyway! I'm not sure about Ivor... And i never talked to Petra about the dream realm so i don't know if she even believes in it! I just wish i could go back to that day we all first became friends....

"Oh no! My piggy is stuck in the tree! And i cant get him!!" The raven haired girl said.

"Haha! Looks like somebody can't get their piggy!"

"Knock it off Aiden!" A blonde guy said punching his shoulder.

"Hey you okay?" Another boy asked.

"No! My piggy is stuck in the tree and i can't get him!"

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry!"

"What's going on over here?" A girl with purple hair and googles asked.

"It's her pig! She can't get it! It's over there up in that tree!"

Then a redhead climbed the tree and got the piggy and brought it back to the crying girl. "Here you go!"

"Oh my gosh thank you!"

"No problem! What's your name?"

"My names Jesse!"

"I'm Petra! Nice to meet you!"

"And I'm Olivia!" The girl with purple hair and googles said.

"Hi I'm Axel!" The boy said.

"We should all be friends! I have a treehouse we could hang out in! C'mon!"

(End of flashback)

Oh those were the good times... I wish i could just rewind time and change everything.. I just wish i could..

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