Chapter 7: No escape

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(Jesse's POV)

I woke up tied to a chair... Where am i? I shouldn't have ever left beacon town... Now look where i am! I could be home right now.. But instead I'm in this cold dark room.. No! What am i thinking?! They don't need me.. And i don't need them either! They don't care about me! Maybe this is my fate.. Well it's like the story goes... "Nothing built can last forever... And every legend no matter how great fades with time...."

I hear someone come into the room. "Why hello there..."

"W- who are you?!"

"Since i have you down here and you can't go anywhere's i guess i can reveal myself..." the figure said while slowly taking his hood down to reveal someone very familiar....


"Nice to see you too... Jesse..."

"What the heck! How did you get here?"

"Jesse that clearly doesn't matter.."

"Can you maybe untie me?"


"This is a kidnaping isn't it?"

"Perhaps you could put it that way..."

"Let me go! What do you want with me?"

"I want you to love me..."

"W- what?"

"Tell me this.. Why did you even think i wanted you to become my champion?"

"Because you wanted to rule the world?"

"No Jesse... I have a crush on you.."

My face went up in shock. No wayy! But i love Lukas. So nope! "I- i don't know how to respond to that.."

"Oh come on Jesse... You know Lukas doesn't care about you right?"

"Well...." No Jesse! Snap out of it! Don't let him use you! "No Romeo! I won't let your brainwashing affect me!"

"Hm, i want you to though..."

"Well i don't want to! I love Lukas and that's it!"

"Very well.. I'll just leave you down here tied up then..." He said then walked away.

This is bad this time! The others don't even know exactly where i am! And i can't contact them in any way! This is so bad! I thought he turned good? Wait. Didn't he get stuck in the terminal space? He must of gotten out somehow... I can't stay down here.. I wish i could just call for help! But god knows where i even am! So that's it am i just going to die down here? I don't want it to end like this! Not here! I wanted to at least tell Lukas my feelings for him before i go... My arms were free and i had paper in my inventory so i decided to leave a note for him even if he does come back.. Because if he does even find me i might be dead by the time he got here..

Dear Lukas,
If you ever read this I'm probably dead.. Or taken somewhere.. I originally planned to just hit the open road and go out adventuring.. Petra's words really hurt me and it seemed like you were the only one to care.. But the others didn't.. Even though i know you cared i still couldn't stay with the others.. Especially Petra.. What hurts me the most is i couldn't even say goodbye to you! It hurts me so much.. One day when i was on the open road Romeo kidnapped me.. I don't know where i will be by the time you get this but i might be long gone.. before i go i have a message to tell you.. Before we were even friends i wanted to get to know you more.. Everyone called our group losers so i didn't really get the chance to do that.. during our portal hopping adventures i sorta developed feelings for you.. I felt so lonely all those times i almost lost you.. I love you.. I'm not really sure how you feel about me but that's why I'm telling you now because I'll probably be gone.. So if you don't like me back no hard feelings right? I gotta run but hey.. At least i might see Reuben again! If i do I'll tell him you all said hi! But I do wish you all the best with the rest of your life..

After i was done writing i placed the paper on the table beside me.. "Having fun writing your little 'Love note?'"

I didn't respond to him. "Here.. Drink this.. I'm sure your thirsty.."

"N- no! I'm not taking anything from you."

"Drink it or suffer the consequences:."

"Fine.." I said then drank it.

I felt myself getting dizzy.... And eventually passed out....

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