Chapter 34: A storm is coming

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It has been hours since midnight hour. Soon it was dawn and the sun was peaking over the horizon. When Lukas woke up Jesse was still asleep. It was a good thing she hadn't woken from any bad dreams about rueben yet and hopefully she doesn't either. Lukas deiced to go outside to get some fresh air.

Cool fresh soothing air was blowing outside. It was quite nice. Lukas couldn't stop thinking about Jesse. He wanted her to be with okay, and he didn't know if she would get through this.

She was being really down on herself lately. He knows she doesn't think she's gonna win this. And now, he wasn't so sure either.

All he wanted right now is to be alone and to feel the nice fresh cool breeze against him.

He was the first one awake. They were going to stay put in the area for a day so Jesse could rest. She's the leader, and she can't be weak or show any signs of weakness.

She's supposed to be the leader, and get us up when we're down. Right now she's too weak do to anything. All she needs is rest and she'll be good to go.

The wind was getting more chillier and more windy by the second. But it seemed odd.. yes, it was fall season but fall isn't supposed to be this cold..

"Something is seriously up with the weather.. What is going on?" He wondered out loud to himself.

"Yeah, it is odd isn't it?" A figure said coming out from the hut.

He was startled for a second but then realized it was just Jessa. "Calm down, it's just me."

"I know, sorry." He stopped for a second to think, then counting on. "So do you know anything about this weird weather?"

"Hm.. Well, i do have one guess.."

"What is it?"

"It could be Jessica, she could be making a storm."

"How could you know-" His could trailed off as he felt snow falling from above.

"Snow? How?" He asked.

"Told you.. She is making a storm."

"But why?"

"She's trying to freeze the world.."

"U- um g- guys?" Radar said very worriedly.

"What? What is it Radar?" Ivor asked.

"S- snow! I- in the middle o- of-" He cut himself of by fainting.

"Snow?!" He asked, running towards the window.

"SNOW!" He said again.

"What? It's September. That's impossible!" Olivia started.

"Come see for yourself."

Olivia and Axel then rushed to the window to see falling snow.. "But how?" Axel asked.

"I don't know, but something is seriously not right." Said Ivor.

"Hey guys! What's going on?" Stella said walking into the room.

"Ugh you do know you're still not invited here right?" Radar said, getting up.

"Shut it, so what's going on?"

"It's just snowing and the fact that it's September, That's all." Olivia said.

"Oh dear! Well I'm sure it's nothing! Don't worry about that!" She said then left the room they were in.

"Ugh i so do not want to be stuck in her with her." Olivia started.

"Agreed." Axel replied.

The order, or at least some of the order sat in the lounges comfy sofas.

The sofas are really fluffy and super comfy. "So what are we supposed to do?" Axel said.

"We can't really do anything." Said Ivor.

"Anyone also worrying about the fact we are still missing Petra and Lukas?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah.." Ivor replied.

They were interrupted by sounds of someone eating. "AXEL!" Olivia shouted.



"At a time like what!"

"Ugh! Never mind! Just shut up and eat your cookie!"


"Let's just call it a night and go to bed.." Ivor said.

"But Ivor-"

"No Olivia, it's too stressful. Let's just sleep on it."

After that, the order went down the hall into there separate rooms and went to bed.

Lukas was shocked, quite frightened actually. A storm was coming.. One that was going to freeze them all to death! They seriously have to get to beacontown soon and stop it. If they don't they will all die in the storm..

If there was going to be a storm they are going to need some supplies. They are very close to beacontown. But they are still a day away. And they won't make it without something warm.

When Jessa went back into the hut Lukas decided to get some wool from some sheep so he could make warm clothes and blankets. Because they really need them. It was a good thing he had nailed it in knitting class long ago.

He made sure he has shears before he left. It was a good thing he did. If he didn't he would have to get the materials to craft some. And that would take even longer! Even though they would have all day since they are staying in the cabin. He wanted to be by Jesse's side in case she woke up from a bad dream or anything like that so he wanted to be as quick as possible.

Once he had everything he needed he went out in the cold blizzard. He really did have to hurry because he did not want to get caught in the storm. That's what Jessica wanted, for everyone outside and inside of beacontown to get caught in and die..

Or everyone get caught in their houses. But if the storm is that bad the house would get so cold to the fact you'd still freeze to your death.

He ran quite fast trying to find a sheep to shear. He'd have to find a lot of them to make what he needed.

After a while of walking and running he found one sheep. "Oh this is gonna be faster than i thought!" He said out loud.

He took his shears out and started cutting the wool around it. Turns out that sheep had a ton of wool and it was more than enough of what he needed.

After what he got what he needed he started running back towards the hut where the others were. He could feel himself getting really really cold. And cold air was surrounding him. He felt like he was going to faint when he finally reached the door. He starting knocking on the door until someone opened it.

Jesse opened it, but before he could say anything darkness consumed him and he fell right into her arms.

Hey everyone! Oh my gosh its been like two weeks since i've written! I am so sorry about that! I had a lot of writers block and i had kinda lost my interest for writing for a while! I was also very busy with theatre! But i am now happy to say that i am into writing again! I am going to be writing more often now! I am pretty sure most of you have stopped reading my book because it took me so long to update it but i understand if you left and stopped reading my book! I would've done the same thing probably! But if any of you have stayed waiting for the update thank you! I'm happy if you did stay! And i promise i am going to start writing more often! Anyway who's ready for chapter 35?

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