Chapter 27: Reunited at last

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Everyone was shocked at Ivor's words. "Trapped?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, anyone can get in... But no one can get out..." Ivor explained.

"Which means-" Olivia started.

"-Lukas and Petra are the only ones who can save us." Ivor finished.

"This is bad, do you know what's even going on here?" Axel asked.

"Well someone made that barrier.. We just need to figure out who.."

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Olivia asked.

"I don't know..."

Then a person came up to them.. All evil looking and mean..


"Um, what are you guys doing?" She asked.

"Oh Jesse, do you happen to know what's the meaning behind this barrier?" Olivia asked.

"Maybe i do, maybe i don't.."


"Jesse, you are acting very strange." Ivor added.

"Oh am i now?" She smirked.

"I'll leave you guys to whatever it is your doing i guess." She puffed and walked away.
"Ugh Lukas I'm tired-"

"Shut up Petra, i don't care.."


"I don't care, we're almost there."

It was silent after that. But then they came across a familiar looking bunker. "I don't believe it, we're here!" Lukas started.

"Don't get too excited now, you know she could be somewheres else."

"I know."

"I'm waiting out here, I'm too tired."

"Petra! Are you kidding me?"


"Do you even care?"

"Of course i do."

"You know what? Just give me the hair clip in case i need it. You still have it right?"



"Fine, I'm playing with you."


She then took the hair clip from her inventory and gave it to Lukas. "Just don't take long."

"I hate you, I'll take as long as i want."

She rolled her eyes at him annoyed as he went in.
Darkness...  It was all but darkness.. "It's nothing but dark in here.."

"I can't see anything..."

Lukas couldn't see where he was going and fell down a flight of stairs...

"What was that... W- who's there?!" Jessa wondered.

"Ugh, why did i have to fall..."

"Wait, who are you?" He said walking towards the cage.

"Wait.. Aren't you Lukas?"

"Yeah, i am. And you are?"

"Jesse's um sister."

"Sister?! She has another one?"

"Yes, it's a long story. I'm sure Jesse will tell you later."

"Speaking of, please tell me she's here.."

"Yeah, but she's not doing too well.."

He then saw her, when he did he stared at her in horror. "W- what the hell happened?"

"She's starving.. To death. She's not dead yet but she will be if she isn't helped soon." She paused for a moment before adding on. "Please help us."

"I will."

He then took the hair clip that Petra had gave her and started to pick the lock.

Ugh why did Petra not come? This is impossible.. He thought to himself.

After almost a half hour he finally got it. "Jesse!"

He ran over to her and held her hand, it was as cold as ice. "Please tell me she's not dead."

"She's not, she needs food.. She hasn't eaten in five weeks.."

"Five weeks?! How is she alive?"

"I don't really know.. But let's get out of here, this place gives me the creeps."


He then picked up Jesse and they both headed out the door.
"Ugh what took you so- You got her! W- what happened to her?" Petra asked.

"She's starving to death because she hasn't eaten in five weeks.."

"Is she dead?"

"No but she will be if she doesn't eat or drink something soon."

"Oh, there's a river over there, she can drink from that." Jessa said pointing to a nearby river.

"Oh, good!"

The group then started to head towards the river. "By the way who's this?" Petra asked.

"Jesse's sister." Lukas replied.


"I'm sure Jesse will explain it all to us."


When the group got over Lukas laid Jesse down by the river, took a glass, filled it with water, and carefully gave it to her.

He held it up to her mouth and let her drank it..

Colour went back into her skin and her hands weren't cold anymore..

But she didn't wake up..

"No.. Please... You have to wake up.." Lukas said almost crying.

With no hesitation he did the one thing that he could think of..

He leaned over and kissed her.

She slowly started to wake up. At first her vision was blurry, but then it cleared up. "H- huh?" It took her a few seconds to realize.. "Lukas!"

She sat up and hugged him tightly and started crying. "I- i don't believe it... Is this real?" She said.

"Yes, it is." He replied.

"I just- I just missed you so much..."

"I know, i missed you too."

"Um, hello? Did you miss me too?" Petra said sarcastically.

They broke from their hug. "Aw don't be like that, of course i did!" She said getting up and hugging Petra.

Then Lukas joined in and it became a group hug. "Ugh, I'm actually dying." Petra said.

"Oh, sorry!" Jesse replied and everyone let go.

"Now we just gotta-" Jessa got cut off as a beam of light and a gush of wind came past them.

"What the-" Jesse started.

"It's Jessica.. Jesse i can tell you that beacontown is not doing very well..." Jessa said.

"N- no!"

"It's okay Jesse.. We'll fix it, I promise you." Lukas said.

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem."

"But we have to get back into beacontown as soon as possible." Jessa said.

"Let's get moving then.." Jesse said and the group started to head south to beacontown...

Yay! Everyone is back together again! :D

Hope you guys liked this chapter! And cya in 28!

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