Chapter 12: Its all a trap

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A/N You guys wanted A so here you go! I hope you like this chapter!

(Lukas's POV)

I can't believe this! How is this real? It's just impossible! But who cares! She's back now! "JESSE!!" I said as I ran over and hugged her.

"It's good to see you to-"

"But how did you escape?"

"I um found I way out! They forgot to lock the door.."

"I'm so glad you're okay! Wanna go home?"

"No.. I uh mean yeah! But I gotta show you something first!"



"Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself!!"

"Im fine- I guess its just the fact I just got kidnaped?"

"Makes sense-"

"Come on!!" She said as she took my hand.

We walked further and further into the woods and it got darker and darker... "Um Jesse?"

"Yes, Lukas?"

"Where are you taking me? Whats so important?"

"You'll see..." She said with a grin.

She is acting weird! Jesse doesn't act like this.. And I don't think he'd just let her go either! But it makes no sense! It looks like Jesse.. And sounds like her too! But she's acting strange.. I'll go along for now.. "Seriously Jess where are you taking me?!"

"You'll see.. We're almost there.."


Hours past by and we kept on walking. "Alright we're here!"

"Where is here?"

We were standing in front of a door to what seemed like a basement. She then opened the door and pushed me down the stairs. "Ta ta for now...." She said as she locked the door...

(Jesse's POV)

Its so cold in this room.. Is this how I'm going to die? I don't want to die like this! I take back everything I said! I just wanna go home! I want this to all stop.. Why do I always have to be the target.. Why can't villains mess with someone else for once?! "Oh I don't know Jesse.. I cant answer that question for you.." I heard a voice in my head say.

"Who are you? How can you talk to me in me head?!"

"Ugh your so stupid! You still don't remember?"

"No I don't-"

"Very well then.. Lets just say i'm a part of you.."

"So you can hear what i'm thinking?"

"Yep- So i'd be careful what you think if I were you.."

"What do you want with me?"

"Nothing really- Have you deiced to come with me yet?"


"Do you realize who you're dealing with? Romeo is not a good person!"

"How the heck do you know who he is?"

"I'm not telling you-"


"Anyway I gotta run now! Bye-bye!"

Im scared of that girl.. Hopefully Lukas comes for me soon... I really hope..

A/N Hope you liked it! Sorry its short! But was ready for chapter 13?

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