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,,Getting Daniel out of Hell."

With that, the Devil walked out of the lab, leaving Ella in shock.

,,Hey Lopez, you okay?" Azrael, who was waiting for her friend to say something asked after a while.

Finally the forensic scientist responded. ,,Dan...is in Hell?"

The Angel of Death nodded silently.
,,Yeah..." She didn't know how to cheer Ella up, after all she just found out that one of her closest friends ended up at the worst place imaginable.

,,But how? I mean, of course he did some sketchy stuff, but everyone screws up in their life. Dan doesn't deserve this..." she said. Ella was sad, but incredibly furious as well.

Why did God, the guy she always had praised and prayed to, the one who couldn't even go pee by himself, send her friend to Hell?

Azrael remained silent, she wanted to give Ella some time to process the new information.

,,Can't you do something about it Rae Rae? You are an Angel, the Angel of Death, couldn't you just take him with you and, I don't know...resurrect him or something?" The forensic scientist had looked up, now hopefully staring into the Angel's eyes.

,,No shit Lopez, I know who I am! And no, that's not how it works. It's not like I can even get through Hell's gates...I also can't just resurrect people.

My only job is, to lead the souls of the dead to the gates of whether Heaven or Hell and to explain to them that they are dead. I don't even get to tell them what to expect and how everything works, that was Uriel's thing." her expression changed and Ella could sense that her friend was upset. She would ask her about it later.

,,Lu always hated his welcoming speech, he thought it was worse than hell.

Now sometimes it's Gabriel holding the speech, which can be fun to watch because she's talking a lot and once she begins it's almost impossible for her to stop. But Jophiel does a great job at it too. He's got this positive energy which is pretty helpful when introducing new souls to heaven." Now she smiled again, but still with a sad undertone.

Ella put on a little smile as well. She liked Azrael talking about her Home and her siblings. She had so many more questions. But Lucifer promised her 'The Talk', so she put the thoughts away for a moment.

,,I'm sorry Rae, I just want him back, you know?"

,,I know and we will help Dan. After all, we have God to help us now, haven't we?" Azrael was determined. Together they would do it.

Ella's face lit up. ,,Oh right, Lucifer is God! And we also have Maze and Amenadiel!"
,,Dan's the reason why Luce wanted to be God, you know? To help him. Well it was one reason." and she smiled at the thought of her brother doing it for Chloe as well.

Even more hopeful Ella hugged her friend.

,,We will do this, we will get Dan out of Hell! Thank you Rae Rae for giving me hope..."

Because what could go wrong?

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now