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,,Now that this is done, we should really begin with the preparations. It can't be much longer until the others arrive!"

Chloe looked at her partner. ,,I think so too, but you have to tell me about this guy sometime, okay?" He nodded with a grin. ,,Oh absolutely, Detective! Johnny is an annoying, but interesting chap, there's so much I could tell you, like this one time-" she interrupted him.

,,Another time, Lucifer! You said we have to make some preparations, so how can I help?"

,,Right...well, we certainly have to offer our guests some food, but only some snacks. We wouldn't want to make this important meeting all about my fabulous cooking skills, would we?" Chloe rolled her eyes and the former devil grinned even more.

,,We should think about what to address first as well, after all there is a whole lot to discuss!" Chloe nodded in agreement, that was an understatement.

Another 'ding' from the elevator interrupted their conversation once again.

Lucifer sighed annoyed. ,,What is it now? Can't two beings have at least one proper talk without any interruptions? This is getting more than annoying."

But at the sight of the person who just walked in, his facial features softened immediately.

,,Ah, hello Beatrice!" She smiled at him, but Lucifer saw right through it. It would take some time for her to get better, a few days weren't nearly enough.

Chloe on the other hand looked perplexed ather daughter. ,,Trixie? How did you get here? Bertha was supposed to watch you for tonight."

The girl shrugged with a grin on her face. ,,Yeah, I know, but I really wanted to see Lucifer! Also he told me you'd have a very important grown up meeting today and I think I'm old enough now, mom!"

Lucifer added ,,The child is right, you know? She knew we told the truth since the beginning and she handles it better than anyone else who found out.

Besides, if we want to have a serious relationship, Beatrice should be part of it. Trust me, your offspring can handle it." Trixie gave him a thankful look.

Chloe raised her hands and sighed defeatedly. ,,Alright monkey, but we are gonna have to talk about this later. You can't just take an uber to get here, you never know if that person is trustworthy...bad things could happen to you and I don't want you to get hurt, okay?" Her voice had gotten more worried.

,,Got it! Sooo...what are you doing now, can I help?" She changed the subject.

The devil nodded after a moment of thinking. ,,Actually you can. Why don't you get Maze and Eve and set the table? And while you're at it, tell them Linda's daughter, Adriana will come as well. The doctor just texted me!"

Trixie nodded and ran to both women exitedly.

Lucifer turned to his partner. ,,Now...we should prepare the food, which won't take long and discuss our next steps."

Chloe agreed. They went to the kitchen.

,,You know, I still can't believe you actually have a kitchen. I always thought you were living only from alcohol and drugs." She chuckled.

He smiled while picking some fruit out of the basket. ,,You would think that, wouldn't you? Well, as much as I love my top shelf, trying food from all over the world and learning how to cook and bake are only more seasons why I left Hell.

Although some of the souls there were marvellous chefs from whom I learned quite a lot over all these millennia."

,, you actually need to eat, or could you live without it?" She was curious. There was so much she didn't know.

,,I believe I could survive for a long time, but since I even ate in Hell, I never really tested my limits. But there were long periods during which I didn't eat or drink. I simply enjoy the process of preparing it and of course the taste."

During their conversation, the couple had cut some slices of bread - which definitely wasn't just some bread from a 'normal' store or bakery - and put different toppings on plates (several options of cheese - also not cheap at all and spreads - Chloe didn't even want to know the prize).

,,Well done, partner!" Lucifer grinned proudly.

,,Yeah, it wasn't much to do, so..."

,,Oh, I almost forgot! Chocolate cake for the child!" With these words he turned to another fridge - yes, he had several ones, three, to be exact - and opened it.

Chloe's mouth dropped. ,,Lucifer..."

,,What, is this not enough? Should I order another dozen of these? Or is it the flavours? If I remember correctly, the child is quite fond of the Double fudge ones? I got four of those, two Vanilla Chocolate ones, three plain Chocolate cakes and three Oreo Chocolate ones..." his smile fell and changed into a confused look.

Chloe only stood there.

She was about to talk, when a - not so little anymore - creature stormed into the kitchen.


Even the child's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened in excitement.

Lucifer stood by, trying to analyse whether that was a good or a bad reaction.

,,I suppose it is." he answered. Trixie looked at him in amazement. ,,Is this all for me?" She asked with a hopeful tonein her voice. He nodded.

Before he knew, two arms swung around him. ,,Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! You are the best, Lucifer!"

Lucifer slowly realised how much it meant to her. His expression softened.

,,No need to thank me, darling. I only had to call in a few favours and now you are free to have as much chocolate cake as your heart desires."

Her grip tightened even more before she finally let him go.

,,Maze, Eve and I are finished. Can I go read some of your books?"

,,Sure, just be careful with them, especially with the old ones."

She nodded and was about to run off again, when he remembered something else.

,,Child?" She turned to him once again. ,,Yeah?"

,,As much as I'd love for you to explore some more grown-up stuff, I'm sure, your mother would appreciate if you'd stay away from a certain book in my library called the "Kamasutra"!" He grinned at both humans.

,,Got it!" Trixie turned to her mother. ,,Your face is hilarious, mom!" She laughed and vanished within a few seconds.

,,You are unbelievable!" She stared at her partner with huge eyes.

,,All the more reason to love me, wouldn't you agree, love?" He raised his eyebrows.

And they smiled at each other with a warmth that only those two could express.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now