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Linda broke the silence. ,,I suppose I could continue...Well, you know me already, I'm Doctor Linda Martin, therapist by day-" she was interrupted by Lucifer, ,,The best I might add!".

She gave him an appreciative smile, ,,-and mom of two amazing children. I obviously like helping people," Linda looked at the non-human beings in the room. ,, matter which kind." She smiled kindly at them.

Next it was Ella's turn. She grinned brightly at everyone. ,,I'm Ella, a forensic scientist at the LAPD. I'm really into Star Trek and I love hugs! You wanna go next, Rae?" The last one was directed at her angelic friend.

,,Sure...errr, hey. My name is Azrael, but I also go by Rae Rae. I'm one of Lu's younger sisters and my can get a little lonely sometimes. To be honest, I'm also not really sure what I like...I don't have much time for fun, you know?"

,,Awww, Girl. Come here!" The forensic scientist stood up and threw herself into her friend's arms. ,,I didn't know it was that bad...well, I should have known...I mean-" she came closer to Rae's ear so that Adriana wouldn't hear what she was saying. ,,-Angel of Death...doesn't sound like a real fun thing to do..."

,,Yeah, it isn't, that's why I love being with you guys!"

,,See? There you have it, one thing you love!" Ella grinned proudly at her friend.

,,Who wants to introduce themselves next?"

Gabriel raised her hand. ,,I'll go!" She shouted exitedly.

,,Hey, I'm Gabriel! I'm the Messenger of-...well, kinda Dad's assistant you could say..." Lucifer looked at her with a ' "Kind of", seriously? Everytime dad said jump you'd jump. That's an understatement.' glare. She happily ignored it. ,,I'm also one of Luce's sisters. And I love talking!"

Now they all glared at her as if they were saying 'Yeah, that was totally not obvious by now'.

,,Right...Mazikeen, why don't you introduce yourself?" The devil asked.

,,Whatever...I'm Mazikeen, my friends call me Maze. I'm a bounty hunter, but I guess I'll get a raise in a few...weeks? Dunno...yeah, and I like sex...and my Girl here!" She pointed to Eve, who now began to speak.

,,Hey, I'm Eve. Also a bounty hunter...and I love, well, Maze..." And the two women kissed each other in depth.

Lucifer stood up and walked over to the bar, pouring his guests more drinks. ,,Right, now that we've introduced ourselves we should move on to the more interesting matter."

Linda's muscles tightened. ,,Okay, but just let me talk for a second." He nodded and gave her a supportive smile.

,,Before we do this,...-" she looked at the celestials, ,,-please don't mess this up, Lucifer and Amenadiel, no stupid jokes and no 'I'm better than humans' talk.

Maze, no impulsive comments about any kind of torture. And Azrael and Gabriel...just...don't do anything that could ruin this." The therapist took a deep breath.

Now Adriana spoke up. ,,This sounds more and more like a cult...the names, the metaphors or whatever and your behaviour...are you sure you guys don't need any help?" She hesitantly let her gaze wander over all these weird people, looking for a sign those just were some inside jokes. But everyone stared directly at her, with an uncomfortable seriousness in their eyes.

,,No? Okay, then just tell me, this is what I came here for after all...I'm kind of freaking out here a little..."

Lucifer inquiringly looked at his therapist, who nodded after a moment.

,,Are you entirely sure we should do this, Doctor?" he asked.

,,I am. She needs to know, we can't keep something like this from her."

By now, Adriana only sat on the couch, utterly confused by the sentences and glares the people in front of her were exchanging.

The devil slowly approached the blonde woman.

,,Very well. Are you ready, Miss Nassar? This revelation might be mind altering and I don't wish for Linda to lose you."

,,I'm ready, please just get over with this."

He took a few steps back again and exhaled. ,,Alright..."

And two huge, white, glowing wings unfurled from his back.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now