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They still lay on his bed. Lucifer's wings covered the couple protectively.

,,Chloe...are you sure you are okay with this?" he asked after a while. Lucifer didn't, under any circumstances want to do anything to her that she didn't want.

,,No, it's okay, really...I actually like it." She smiled softly at him and moved a little closer.

,,You are? Well, that's a relief..." He let out an eased sigh. Chloe was confused.,,Why? Don't you do this often? With all these people you are sleeping with, I mean..."

He slowly shook his head. ,,No, Detective...Celestials are extremely sensitive when it comes to their wings. To be allowed to touch them, is the ultimate gesture of trust.

Even the wings themselves would never let anyone unworthy touch them." Another confused look.

,,Wings have a mind of their own, you could say. They have emotions and therefore often come out at the most inappropriate time.

Much like my new powers apparently. But sometimes, take now for example, they are quite useful and know exactly what I desire." He grinned.

,,But to come back to what you said, I only ever let Azrael, Amenadiel and Mazikeen touch my wings. And now of course the spawn and you, my dear."

Chloe's heart warmed at these words. He let her in, trusted her...completely. She hoped he knew she did too.

To show how much it meant to her, she pressed a deep, intimate kiss on his perfect lips.

Suddenly something changed. ,,It appears time unfroze again. Perfect timing actually, we really should get ready for our guests, Detective."

Then a phone rang. To both of their surprise, it wasn't Chloe's.

,,Mr. Morningstar? Errr...some guy just stumbled in here...looks completely wasted. Just thought you might want to know!"

,,I'll be right there, Patrick!" He hung up.

Lucifer turned to his partner. ,,It seems we have an unexpected guest downstairs...I'll be right back, Chloe!"

He got up, let his wings disappear and put on his robe.

When the devil arrived downstairs, Patrick was standing at the bar. Another man, about 6 feet tall, blonde hair and blue eyes was sitting, or rather lying on one of the chairs.

Lucifer's expression changed from annoyed to confused.

,,Johnny? What in the bloody hell are you doing here? And why for my sake are you still wearing that awful trench coat?"

The man, 'Johnny' looked up, an exhausted look on his face

,,...Lucifer..." was all he managed to say before he blacked out.

,,Well, that was interesting...come on let's get you up to my penthouse..."

Stepping out of the elevator, just this time with the other man, Lucifer carried 'Johnny' to his porch.

,,Lucifer? Who's this?" Chloe asked, when she walked over to them.

He sighed. ,,Meet John Constantine, an old...acquaintance of mine."

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now