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As soon as Ella released the Archangel, she walked over to her place on the couch again and sat down.

,,So, what happened then?" Adrianna asked curiously.

She was very grateful for that little recap of the past years she hadn't been there. But from what she had understood, this had only been the beginning of a long story.

,,Well, not that this is of great importance for the over all story and I'm still not quite sure how my brother got himself into it, but I walked into Amenadiel being recorded while doing Porn with Misty. It was quite the show!"

Ashamed, the dark skinned Angel made a hilarious face. ,,Not my greatest moment...Luci, they really didn't need to know that."

,,Dude, you got to work with Misty Canyons! What about that couldn't be great?! I would have taken your place in a heart beat!" The forensic scientist exclaimed, which got her a proud grin from the Devil.

,,Okay, let's get back to the story, okay? There is a lot more to tell and we don't have an eternity!" Amenadiel stated annoyed.

That made Lucifer think. ,,But...what if we had? I believe it's time to consciously work with my new powers and see what they are good for. Unconsciously it already worked, so it shouldn't be a huge deal..."

He closed his eyes and concentrated on the people he didn't want to be frozen by stopping time. He felt the energy flodding through his body. It was - much to his disapproval - more difficult than he had thought.

But with some practice he would get the hang of it eventually, that he was sure of.

When there were only the thoughts of the souls in his penthouse left and the whole world went quiet, the new God opened his eyes carefully.

,,Everyone still intact?"

,,Yep!" Linda answered for all of them and the others agreed with a nod.

,,Lovely. Now, let's proceed.

We interrogated Miss Canyons and she gave us some very helpful information, but those don't exactly matter.

Our next lead was at a fight club. We are in that very building right in this moment! Back then LUX was known under the name -"

,,Rico's..." Again, Chloe interrupted.

Lucifer let out an unbelieving chuckle. ,,Correct. Don't tell me...?"

But his partner nodded. ,,Yes, I was there too. Right after I was with the trainer."

,,Unbelievable...we crossed paths and didn't even notice..."

Chloe thought for a second. ,,Lucifer, I think...I think when I was upstairs, standing on the edge of the stairs that lead down to the dance floor, I felt something...and I think - now that I really try to remember - that I heared someone calling your name. It was so weird for a moment, but I just put it off and didn't think much of it.

Did you feel it too?"

He watched her lost in his thoughts. Lucifer nodded slowly. ,,Yes...,I...yes! I did feel it!"

Now it was Amenadiel who interrupted the two. ,,As much as I love seeing you both bonding, we already know that this was father's plan all along. And I don't think there is much more to tell now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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