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,,See you soon, Lucifer!"

To get some air, Lucifer decided to take a walk before going home.

It was somehow freeing to walk down the crowded streets, watching all the people and feeling the wind on his face.

But like always, something, this time the ringing of his phone had to interrupt the moment.

The name on the screen said 'My clever consultant' (tell me if you have a better idea!) He picked up. ,,Detective?" Lucifer asked.

,,Hey Lucifer!" a much younger voice shouted through the speaker.

,,Spawn? Did you steal your mother's phone again? It's about time I gave you my number, don't you think? But anyway, what is it you need, Beatrice?"

A short moment of silence followed.

,,Well...I actually wanted to talk to you. It's important...Could you maybe come over? Mommy isn't at home yet and I need to tell you something! Please...?"

Lucifer noticed the tone of her voice, it really had to be important to her. ,,...I'll be there in a few minutes, child..."

,,Thank you Lucifer!" she screamed excited.

,,Yes, yes...see you in a few!" and he hung up.

'What did the little urchin do this time?' The devil wondered.

Just like he promised, Lucifer arrived at the Detective's house only minutes later.

What he didn't expect, was the old woman who opened the door.

,,Ah, I see! The new nanny for the child I presume? Lucifer Morningstar, pleasure."
He greeted her, charming as always.

,,Mister Morningstar! Miss Decker told me to be prepared for your surprise visits! I'm Bertha, nice to meet you." She seemed to be quite nice. ,,So, what brings you here?"

,,The spawn, Beatrice, called me. Said she has to talk to me. I have no idea what it might be about." He was clueless. What could be so important to the girl?

,,She didn't get in trouble, did she?" The devil asked right after, but Bertha just shook her head.

,,No, not as far as I know. Please come in! Trixie's in her room."

Lucifer stepped into the house and went to that room right away.

As soon as he opened the door, something or rather someone was at his side, hugging him.

,,Lucifer, you came!" Trixie screamed happily.

,,Of course I did. Now...what was so urgent that I had to come over? The last time we had a conversation in private, it didn't exactly go well..."

Before beginning to talk, Trixie patted with her hand on her bed, as a gesture for him to sit down. He eyed at her suspiciously, but then sat down.

,,Sooo, errr...I...I wanted to say...I'm sorry for saying these things to you...-"

Lucifer was confused. ,,That...wasn't what I expected at go on, child."

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now