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,,See you soon, Lucifer!"

After their session, Linda had only one more to go before she finally made her way home.

As soon as she arrived, the therapist could hear Amenadiel and Charlie. It seemed like they had a lot of fun.

,,Hey! Have you had a good day, while is was at work?" she asked when she came in.

The dark skinned Angel looked up. ,,Yes, actually! Charlie is making much progress. He can stand on his own now for almost a whole minute!"

,,Wow, that's great! Any other news?"

,,Yeah. Your daughter, Adriana, called about two hours ago and asked if she could come over tonight. I told her yes. That's okay, right?"

,,Absolutely! That reminds me, did Lucifer tell you about his idea that we all meet at LUX tomorrow, so we can get all our questions off the chest and to plan on how to deal with the Dan-problem?"

He shook his head. ,,Not yet. He probably assumed you would tell me about it. I think it's a great idea, actually."

,,Yeah, I think so too. I also thought about bringing see, I can't let her walk into this life without knowing what's really going on."

Amenadiel was worried. ,,Are you sure? That revelation could lead to her not wanting to have anything to do with's a huge risk."

She nodded. ,,I know. But if I learned anything in these past few years, it's that you have to have faith in the people you love. I trust her to make the right decision, but I think she'll come around eventually."

,,Okay, if you say so, I'll support you and will try everything in my power to convince her otherwise in case she doesn't see the real truth." Both smiled at each other for a moment.

A knock on the door interrupted the silence.

Linda walked towards it and opened the door. ,,Adriana, Hey!" ,," That warmed up Linda's heart.

,,Come in, we were just about to make dinner! How are you?"

Adriana shyly answered. ,,I'm good, how are you doing?"

,,I'm great. One of my patients and closest friends, you might remember him, Lucifer, had a lot of breakthroughs today! I'm so proud of him..." she smiled.

,,That sounds amazing! Yeah, was it that dark haired, British guy who works for the police?" Linda nodded proudly. ,,And the woman next to him was his partner, right? Chloe Decker?" Again a nod.

Linda added ,,And his girlfriend."

,,I actually already suspected it. It's pretty obvious, right? I only saw them for what, two minutes together? I could see the looks they gave each other, so sweet!" Both chuckled.

,,Anyway. Adriana, may I introduce you to Amenadiel, the father of Charlie?" she changed the subject when the Angel approached them.

,,Nice to meet you Amenadiel. Linda already told me a lot about you!" The woman grinned a little.

,,No, thank you for coming here! It's a great opportunity to get to know each other!" he responded.

All three walked over to the kitchen to begin with cooking.

After a while of talking, Linda asked Adriana about the meeting.

,,Hey, there is something else I wanted to ask you about.

Lucifer suggested that we all meet tomorrow at his nightclub. Just to finally get to know each other even more...And I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me." she watched her daughter hesitantly.

,,With 'we all', you mean..."

,,Oh, just Lucifer, Amenadiel, Charlie, Chloe, Trixie, Ella and Maze. And Eve might come as well...and if we are lucky we will get to meet some of Lucifer's other siblings!"

,,And that is so exiting because...what? Are thry famous or something?"

,,Something like that, yes. That's actually why I want you to come as well. You see, there is something big that you need to know, but that I can't just tell you like this. The others need to be there for it too. You wouldn't believe me if I told you now..."

,,Is it bad? Would it change what we have right now?" Adriana was worried.

,,It might. If it does, I hope for the better. You need to know what you are signing up for if you decide to be part of my family. I know I must sound incredibly mysterious and scary right now, but it's not that bad...-"

Amenadiel interrupted, ,,Well...actually..."

,,Now Adriana was confused. Were they making fun of her?

,,No, it's not as bad as you might think. It's definitely going to change your whole perspective of the world, but other than that...oh, whatever...we can discuss this tomorrow with everyone else. We won't get anywhere today without telling you, that's not an option.

In conclusion, we would love to have you with us tomorrow. I want you to be part of this family, but I can't force you to..."

After a moment, the young blonde responded. ,,You do know that this sounds like some kind of cult, right?

But...alright, I'll be there..." She chuckled, but was also scared of what was going to happen.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now