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Lucifer unfurled his wings and disappeared with one beat.

Only a few seconds later the former devil arrived in front of Linda's office.

He gathered his thoughts, trying to figure out what to tell her first, but then put these thoughts aside and remembered, 'Just do it', no overthinking.

Right after Lucifer knocked at Linda's door he stepped inside, without noticing the other patient who was still sitting on the couch.

But no one was really surprised, it wasn't the first time he interrupted Larry's session.

,,Doctor, good to see you! You look marvellous as always!

You won't believe how much has changed during the last few days!

For one, I'm God now! Isn't that exiting?" He had a huge proud grin on his face, while announcing his achievement.

Larry slowly stood up, leaving his therapy session early like always. He knew the club owner was delusional and had thought he was the devil. But now he believed himself to be God? He himself had some mental health problems, but that guy had some serious issues.

'What a freak', he thought and left the room.

,,Good morning Lucifer." The doctor greeted her patient and good friend. ,,Let's take a seat and tell me what exactly happened, you seem happier than the last time I saw you."

Lucifer sat down and began to explain.

,,Well, like I just said. I am God now."

Linda's eyes went wide. ,,What now? You really did it?"

The devil nodded proudly. ,,Mhm."

,,So, what does this mean exactly? Are you omniscient and omnipotent now, or do your powers have limits? Because if you knew everything you wouldn't need therapy anymore, which somehow is good but also makes me feel sad. I would miss these talks and-"

Lucifer raised a hand to slow Linda down.

,,I'll stop you right there. First off I'd like to say that I would feel the same. I could not imagine a life without all your helpful advices. Without your help...and the Detective's of course, I would never have come that far.

And as for the part about omniscient and omnipotent, I am absolutely clueless up to this point. Which means I most certainly don't have any additional powers...yet.

I do feel a little different though..." But he didn't want to take that further, since that feeling was one he hadn't had in millennia. But of course Linda had to ask.

,,How different?"

Lucifer decided to just tell her. At some point he would have had to do it anyway.

,,You do know that, before I was thrown into Hell I was different?" She nodded silently.

,,Right...well, back then I may have been known by the name...Samael." She nodded again and said ,,Lightbringer."

That comment made him furious. ,,NO! Why do people always think that name means Lightbringer?! And as I recall it was Amenadiel who told you that, right? Why even did he let you believe that? It is, FOR MY FUCKING SAKE, NOT TRUE!"

Linda only could sit in her chair and observe the being in front of her escalate. She wondered why he was that upset about his name.

,,But on the internet it also says-"

,,I don't care what some website says! BLOODY HELL, is it that difficult to translate two damned names?!

And you doctor, shouldn't you out of all people know some main words in Latin? I mean, Lux, what does it mean, tell me!"

,,It...means Light. But we are not talking about you club right now, we are talking about your name." she tried to explain.

,,Yes, exactly! And what do you think Lucifer means? Lucifero, bearing off light. Luci and ferre, Lightbringer. Lucifer means Lightbringer, not Samael!

That name is hebrew and means Venom of God. So yes, my father and I might have had some great time here, he even said he loves me. But I will never forgive him for that...and for the fall."

During that speech, he had begun to shed tears. Lucifer hated that name. Yes, it had somehow fit his purpose in heaven, but it was never his main purpose.

,,I am not finished yet, Doctor! Do you know how much it hurts when people praise the Almighty, because he even gave his failure a 'beautiful' name, when that is not even true? And how much I hate that name? I never wanted that name in the first place, not even because of the Venom part, but because of the 'Of God'.

I don't belong to anyone and most certainly NOT to my father! I never wanted to be defined by him.

I chose my name, Lucifer, because I lit up the stars. I lit up the sun! The only creations I am truly proud of. They are mine!"

The Lightbringer had stood up at some point and now slowly sat down again. He was tired of people thinking they knew who he was.

He didn't even know who he was himself, so how could anyone else know?

,,So yes, that is the origin of my names. The punisher and the Lightbringer. The Angel and the devil. The darkness and the light. But who am I?" Lucifer felt hopeless, again.

,,Great, two identity crises in one day, that's a record..." he mumbled exhausted.

Linda finally reacted. ,,What just happened?" She asked irritated and shocked, more herself than Lucifer, who answered her question.

,,I...I...don't know?" ...Yes, what the bloody hell just happened?

He just had a similar talk with Miss Lopez and thought that now he knew who he was.

Lucifer thanked the forensic scientist for giving him motivation to think and talk about it. She truly was a miracle.

,,It appears we still have quite a lot to work on."

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now