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Lucifer and Linda had come a long way to this point and they would never exchange this confidential bond for anything.

After a few more moments the silence got rather awkward.

,,So, anyway...let's get back to what I originally came here for to talk about today, shall we?" Lucifer broke the silence.

Linda nodded in agreement ,,Yeah, right...the whole God thing. Wow, just when I thought my life can't get any crazier..." and shook her head unbelievably.

,,Indeed, there's that..." the Devil said.

Linda's eyes went wide. ,,Don't tell me there's more?"

,,Well, there is one more thing...-" he agreed, but as soon as he saw his therapist's face he reassured it had no impact on her life.

,,Don't worry, it doesn't really have anything to do with you, dear. In fact, even if it does in the slightest, since you are friends with Miss Lopez, it only changes things for the better!

I showed Miss Lopez!

See? Now your whole tribe is in the know and you have someone else to talk to about things regarding the supernatural!"

Linda blinked a few times in confusion, then gave him a proud smile after processing that second breakthrough.

,,That is...that's great! Did she take it well?"

He nodded. ,,Very, actually! Better than anyone else so far! Miss Lopez truly is a miracle, not literally of course.

You see, I intended to just show her my devil face, but my wings had another idea at that moment and decided to appear as well. I didn't even know it was possible to bring both sides forth at the same time.

So much divinity at once and still it didn't break Miss Lopez. She hugged me, can you believe that? Not even the Detective can fully accept my devil side, or at least she couldn't. I don't know how she feels about it now, though..."

Linda advised ,,Maybe you should ask Chloe about it."

He nodded. ,,I will."

,,Now, what happened after the hug? Did Ella and you talk?" The doctor wanted to know.

,,Yes, we did. In fact we had a very deep conversation. And it wasn't just Miss Lopez and me. My sister Azrael, who knows our favourite forensic scientist since she was a kid, was there as well.

Also, she was the one who decided to tell Miss Lopez."

,,Azrael? Didn't you mention her a few times already in some of our sessions?"

,,Indeed, I did! She is my favourite sibling and I'm hers! We may not have seen each other in quite a while, but she always supported me and you could say she is somewhat my guide in situations like these.

She cares deeply for Miss Lopez, which is why she came to me, so we could tell her the truth, together.

Getting back to our conversation, Miss Lopez mentioned that she was confused about what exactly I am now, since she had seen my face and my wings and knows that I am God.

That made me think, and honestly, I don't know.

Long story short, I had a little identity crisis and Miss Lopez and Azrael helped me understand that I chose who I want to be.

But I can assure you, I still need your help to figure that out, so, no worries they didn't steal your job! Though I, without doubt, can see both of them as therapists, they did an excellent job there!"

,,Lucifer, that's a lot! First of all, I'm proud of you that you opened up to someone! That's another breakthrough, wow you are making so much progress!

And from what you said, Azrael seems to be very nice! Maybe someday we will get the chance to meet!"

,,You would indeed meet her when you die at the latest. But you are lucky!

I thought about a meeting at LUX, now that everyone knows. Did you ever notice I never talked much about celestial stuff with Chloe, or Daniel? You are probably the one who knows the most about what happened over the years.

It would be a great opportunity to have 'The Talk' with everyone and to find solutions for Daniel's problem, Don't you think?"

Linda nodded from time to time, yes, it definitely was long overdue. But when Lucifer mentioned Dan, she was confused.

,,What about Dan?" But she already had her suspicions. There was only one bad thing that could come after death.

,,He...he is...in Hell. We need to get him out of there, and as long as I don't know how my new powers work there is not much I can do..."

Linda could tell that it upset Lucifer a lot. Being almost powerless despite having the most power anyone could have.

She was not happy for Dan either, but there was nothing she could do about it.

,,I see...look, we all want to help Dan, but we need to think it through first, like you said.

I think it's a great idea to gather at LUX, maybe that will get us some clarity. We all need our friends I guess..."

,,There is so much more you need to know Doctor, but I presume that was enough for one day? Wouldn't want to fry your brain, would we?"

,,You're right. Next session we can talk about the war with Michael and how it makes you feel to be God. For what it's worth, you will be great, Lucifer!"

,,Thank you Doctor." The Lightbringer stated sincerely.

,,If that's all, I must be going. Business at LUX, you know how it is!

Goodbye Doctor!"

Linda smiled and shook her hand.

,,See you soon, Lucifer!"

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now