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,,Yeah, we do..." Chloe glared at him suspiciously.

,,Right..." Lucifer was confused. What did he do wrong now?

,,Errr, so...who is that Larry guy? I mean, do you hang out often? Like, do you talk about your...therapy, more intimate stuff?"

The devil slowly shook his head. ,,Detective, why would you ask-..." then it dawned on him. He grinned.

,,Awww, Is there someone jealous?"

Chloe raised her eyebrows and hesitantly shook her head. ,,What...?" She asked in a suspiciously high voice. ,,No, no way..." But Lucifer knew better. His face lit up even more.

He decided to play a little with her. ,, that I think of it, we had quite the enjoyable time together! The things we could say it was...breathtaking-" 'in a very literal sense', he added. ,,-and in the end...sooo intimate, I felt it so strongly!"

By the end of his speech, Chloe looked at her partner with huge eyes, her face was red.

,,Oh, you even resemble them a lot like this!"

,,Stop Lucifer! I...I know that you are going through a lot right now and...Sex is just your way to cope with stress...Also, normally I'm okay with your orgies and stuff...but now, really? You knew when we...I would come and you just decided to make out with some guy right before a very important meeting? That's just...and another patient of Linda's, really? What were you thinking?!"

Lucifer knew she was pissed. For a moment he had thought this was a good idea, but now...

On the other hand, he had expected Chloe to notice that he wasn't serious. After all, this was his normal Luciferness.

,,What I was thinking?...well, let me see...first off, Larry was the one who came to me, not the other way round...but then again, that's how it normally works..." He smirked.

,,But, joking aside, they simply had very bad timing,-"

Chloe got angry. ,,You had several someones here?! Lucifer...!-" The Angel interrupted her.

,,Oh no, They/Them are just Larry's preferred pronouns! They are Transgender!" He smiled.

,,Oh...I didn't know, I'm sorry!"

,,Nothing to apologize for, Detective, you didn't know! And I shouldn't know either, but my powers had their own mind and decided to let me have a look into his head.

Fortunately I pulled out of it before I got any deeper. I respect people's privacy. Besides, I want to solve the mystery that Larryboy is, without any tricks!

Now, let me get back to the story.

Since I just got my new powers, I needed some alone time to figure out how they work.

Larry arrived at the most inappropriate moment.

After a short talk, or rather monologue I asked them what they desired, since Larry didn't seem to be that interesting at first.

My powers took my remark that I needed a moment of 'silence' very literal and forbid Larry to speak. Therefore it was quite literally a breathtaking moment." He grinned and Chloe rolled her eyes, but let out a chuckle. She should have known.

,,When Larry could speak again, they told me to not interrupt their therapy sessions anymore. I promised I would never do that again.

It took Larry quite a bit to tell me...poor sod was afraid of my response, even more after they realised who they were talking to.

Long story short, in the end Larry accepted me, didn't take them long to get over the whole 'Heaven and Hell are real' thing...that's what impresses me, what makes them interesting. Quite a bit like it was with you, dear Chloe in the beginning."

When Lucifer saw her face, he added ,,Not that I could ever even compare our unique relationship with any other!" Both smiled sincerely at each other. They knew what they had was nothing less than incredible.

,,Also Larry is under the impression that we, as in Larry and me are alike, at least to some point. But they won't tell me what makes them think so, and I will not dig in their mind to find out.

That only leaves the option to get to know Larry better. Not that that would be bad, like I said, I can't help becoming quite fond of the guy.

Look, Detective...Chloe. My point is, I would never betray you like this, not after all that we went through.

I would never exchange our partnership for anything. And when I say anything, I mean it!

I would die for you in a heartbeat...again.-" He let out a chuckle. ,,I would start a riot, hell even a war for you...also again..." this time their smile fell a little. Both knew there had been another, bigger reason for it.

I would do anything for you if it meant you were safe.

I hope you know this, Chloe. I love you." This was only the second time he said those three words, therefore she froze immediately.

Suddenly there were only Chloe and Lucifer. Time froze for them...literally. Now they had all the time in the universe to...'discuss' things.

Lucifer noticed. ,,Now look at that. For once, these new powers of mine turn out to be quite useful." He grinned at her.

,,Lucifer...I-I don't know what to say..."

,,You don't need to say anything, my dear Chloe. I already know, I don't even have to invade your mind to find out."

Softly, he put his hand on her cheek. Both smiled knowingly, then kissed intensely.

What followed should be obvious, as well as the fact who was on top.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now