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Adriana let her gaze wander over all of them.

,,So, anyone else here who's not human?"

Chloe spoke up. ,,Well, I'm human, but I'm also a literal miracle. God himself put me in Lucifer's path.

At first I was mad at Lucifer for keeping that from me, but we resolved that issue some time ago." She smiled warmly at her partner who returned it.

,,Other than that, the rest of us are completely human, except of course one of you is an Angel or another creature in disguise?" Lucifer now watched them all suspiciously and Ella playfully raised an eyebrow.

,,Sure dude, we're all Angels tryin' to...errr...see? Don't even know what one would want to achieve with that! Except for taking over your life or somethin', not that that would be possible, right?"

In response to Ella's - quite possible after all - rhetorical question, Lucifer coughed, letting her know she was onto another story.

,,Really? When did that happen? No, wait...don't tell me yet, we gotta hear the full story! I mean, how much happened around us that we didn't know of? Now you got me hooked, buddy!"

The devil sighed, pretending to be disinterested and annoyed by that idea, but let his mask fall only seconds later and let his amusement show.

,,Very well, dear. After all, we've so far established the very first act between the two beings we celestials call Mum and Dad. Thank you very much for that, Doctor." He fixed his eyes on Linda.

,,Now, I'll gladly spare you the details of that part...not that I would actually know since I wasn't alive at that time.

Time...yes, that is a fitting transition I believe.

When the so called 'Big Bang' happened, our parents had created the very first Angel, Archangel to be precise.

Amenadiel, God's warrior, the Archangel of Time.

I believe it's not necessary to explain why the first Angel would receive that domain?" Lucifer watched his counterparts, receiving both puzzled looks and understanding nods.

,,Well, without time none of the other Angels could have existed. It was essential for every creation that was yet to come."

In that moment, there was something ancient in the Archangel's eyes, something calming but so very emotional as well, as if he was remembering his old life.

Nonetheless, Lucifer continued. ,,Next was Raguel, the Guardian and Archangel of Chaos. Her domain made and still makes sure that life can exist and grow.

It has been quite some time since I last saw my big sister..." He smiled sadly.

His and the expression of most of the others in the penthouse changed at the mention of the following name. ,,Michael...The biggest prick in the twin brother,-"

The forensic scientist interrupted him. ,,Whoa, hold on. You got a twin brother? Like, a spitting image of yourself?"

He nodded, lips forcefully pressed together to a smile. ,,Then...wait...when you came back from your "family business" you acted so strange sometimes. That's because it was never you at all, was it?" Her eyes went wide upon realizing that.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now