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After a very long time, both beings, the human child and the Lightbringer, felt protected and safe.

The next day, Lucifer woke up in Trixie's bed. If he was honest, he had slept better than in a long time.

Trixie was still sleeping next to him, surrounded by...white fluffy feathers?

,,Oh bloody hell..." The devil let out an annoyed sigh.

That, and the rustling of his now active wings, woke the child immediately.

,,You really stayed...thank you!" she stated, still a little tired.

,,Of course I did, I told you I would." He smiled sincerely.

Then the child turned her gaze to the feathers, which still surrounded both of them. Her eyes went wide in excitement.

,,Are those...?" she stuttered. ,,Yes Child, my wings. You must know, they often have a mind of their own and decide to do what they think is best in a situation.

You can touch them if you like, but not the big ones on the outside, those are sharp and can hurt you."

Normally he wouldn't let anyone touch his wings, not even Chloe. But somehow he felt the need to protect Beatrice and to make her feel safe.

Lucifer carefully opened the cocoon to let the child move. ,,Thank you for keeping me safe Lucifer..." ,,Anytime, little urchin."

Trixie slowly raised her hand to the smaller feathers. ,,They are sooo fluffy and warm! I love them!"

In response, the wings rustled again. ,,It seems they like you, child." The Lightbringer stated in amazement.

The only other time they ever had done that, was during their grooming. But that was eons ago.

Suddenly he had an idea. Lucifer carefully ripped out three little feathers.

,,What are you doing?" Trixie asked in confusion.

,,Making you a present, of course. Say, do you have a little box somewhere, to keep them safe?" But before she could answer, Lucifer noticed one on her desk.

,,That's my memory box. In it are the most important things I own!"

,,Well, then it's perfect!" And he put the feathers in the box.

,,What are they for?" ,,They have healing powers, spawn. They can heal any wound, as long as the person is not already dead." He knew who the child was thinking of. But he had to crush her hopes.

,,And they can't exactly heal emotional wounds either. Except for that they give one a feeling of safety and warmth."

,,Thank you Lucifer, I will keep them safe!" And as expected a second later she was in his armes again. His wings wrapped themselves around them to join the hug.

Chloe decided to step in the room at that moment.

,,I take it you two had a good night?" she asked, smiling warmly at them.

,,Indeed we did." ,,It was amazing, mom! His wings are so warm and fluffy!"

Chloe raised her eyebrows. ,,You let her touch your wings?" She was confused. He only shrugged carelessly.

A few moments later, Lucifer let his wings disappear. ,,Now, who wants fresh baked waffles?"

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now