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After their delicious breakfast, Lucifer and Chloe drove Trixie to school and then headed off to the precinct.

When they arrived, most people rapidly turned their heads to them. The devil turned confused to his consultant.

,,Is it just me or is everyone staring at us, more than usual I mean?"

,,It's not just you...maybe it's because you're God now and they somehow sense that?"

He shook his head. ,,I don't think so, I don't have any new powers yet, so I shouldn't affect anyone any different than usual."

Right on time, Ella ran to them, seemingly exited about something. ,,Guys, you gotta see this!" she almost screamed and raised her phone, so they could see the screen.

The title of the video said 'Real Angels in The City of Angels?'


The USC students Mick, Zari and Sara, who had a long day at the University, met at 'their spot' in front of the coliseum and were just about to drink another shot of their drinks, when a dark haired man in a suit and a woman in a brownish coat appeared into their sight.

 Nothing out of the ordinary. But then they heared a flap and suddenly a dark skinned muscular man was standing next to the other two people.

The kids looked at each other with wide eyes. ,,Did you just see that?" Sara asked, her companions nodded. ,,What are you waiting for? Grab your phone and see what they are doing! Let's go!"

All three stood up from their bench and ran towards the scene. ,,Let's hide behind that column!" And they did. They then opened their cameras and filmed everything.

At first they were pretty sure this was some kind of role play or maybe something for a new movie, since they knew the woman from before was Chloe Decker.

After a while, the students decided to find a way to the rows of seats, so they could film everything from a closer perspective.

Zari and Sara loved, when the person in armour, identical to Lucifer, screamed 'Goood' and nothing happened, except for the insect passing by. They almost blew their cover, because they laughed that much.

Another great scene was when the team was dancing and singing and Michael asked 'Can't touch what?'. At first the three were confused. ,,Are they on something?" Sara questioned. ,,That would definitely explain a lot..." Zari answered.

But only a few moments later they found out that they were stalling.

Mick only watched interested and filmed everything without commenting much. His favourite was the entrance of Mazikeen, Eve and the demons. Mick immediately shipped Maeve.

But everything went crazy, when they saw the wings. No one was able to talk for a moment.

They only filmed everything in awe, blinking a few times to find out if they were really seeing this.

,,Okay guys, so either, we are extremely drunk, or angels are real..." Zari stated slowly, still not believing that she was actually seeing that.

Now Mick answered in a deep voice. ,,Guess we'll find out tomorrow...when we look at the footage." Then shrugged and focused on the scene again.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now