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Larry remained silent, watching the creature in front of him. He still kept some distance, after all this was the devil...or God...whatever. Hell...his life just got a lot crazier...

,,Sooo, why are you here, Mister Larry? Came to have some fun?" Lucifer grinned.

,,Urr...n-no, I...I...-"

,,Come on, you have nothing to be afraid of! I'd be delighted to hear what you have to say."

The new God felt more and more pressure in his head with every second.

,,But if you please could hurry, I don't think I can hold back my omniscience for much longer and I don't particularly desire to explode, much like poor Daniel did. Because it certainly feels like that right now. "

The man only stood there. He didn't even know who that 'Daniel' was, but judging from the devil's look, he really cared about that guy.

,,S-sorry...I didn't mean t-to hurt you." He apologized to the being.

Lucifer felt Larrys fear, so he tried to calm him down.

,,Oh No, don't be sorry! Like I said, I just got these powers, it's not your fault. I just would appreciate if you could tell me whatever it is you need to tell me, before-!" He stopped talking, raised his hand to his head.

Larry just watched confused.

,,Oh bloody hell, here we go again!" The flood of information this time wasn't as painful as the last, but it still clearly overwhelmed Lucifer.

,, you n-need something? A...a glass of wa-t-t-ter" Larry didn't, under no circumstances, want to do anything wrong in that situation. Who knew what would happen if he failed God?

Lucifer heard these thoughts, trying to only listen to those of his counterpart. It even almost worked, he only heard a few other people, but it wasn't that annoying anymore.

Larry seemed to have noticed that the Angel listened. He stepped a bit closer to the elevator again, ready to flee at any given moment.

But Lucifer remained calm, except that he didn't want anyone to think he was a threat. Unless he wanted them to feel like it of course.

,,I told you, I won't hurt you. There is no reason to feel threatened. Please, have a seat."

And Larry hesitantly sat down.

,,Now. Try to relax, breathe."

After a while, Larry felt a little lighter.

,,Great. And try to forgive me, I'm not very good with emotions and all that, you must know, 5 years on earth aren't nearly enough to fully get used to those.

But I did manage to pick up some of the Doctor's tricks. So, how did I do?"

Larry slowly answered, it was a little difficult to understand what the devil was saying, since he spoke very fast.

,,Y-you did great...T-thank you!" He gave the Lightbringer a shy smile.

,,And now you can finally tell me..."

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now