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She hadn't seen that coming at all.

Sure, the people in this penthouse weren't the kind of crowd she normally would hang out with. A Detective, her kid, a club owner and his siblings, a forensic scientist, a bounty hunter and her girlfriend, a therapist, her child and the father of latter and herself.

That was nothing too weird at the first glance, not since she had come to the conclusion they were in some kind of cult or something. After all, this was LA and in her line of work the blonde had come across a lot of different kinds of people.

Some customers were quite nice, others the exact opposite. From extremely shy to just rude, up to now she'd thought she'd seen everything.

Her clients were not as weird as the ones her mom did, apparently. Not really surprising, though. Linda was a therapist.

But now, GOD...wait,, not now, she had to think.

Now, she had to rethink everything she ever believed in. She had never been thr religious type, she was more of a person of logic. Despite not believing in God specifically, she did believe there had to be some kind of 'higher power'.

Due to that, she was not exactly scared when a pair of pearl white wings sprouted from the back of that tall, dark and handsome man. If she had to describe how she felt in that moment, she would have probably gone with 'struck', neither in a negative nor a positive way.

The being, because that's what it, he was, despite resembling a human like he was one - except for the wings of course - watched her carefully. Not just him, though. Everyone else as well.

They didn't move, as if they were frozen.

Adriana observed them. No, if he wouldn't have revealed himself to her, this could have looked like a 'normal' meeting between some random people.

But now...She didn't even know who of them wasn't human either.

Was Linda one of them? Probably not.

Her gaze met Lucifer's once again. Who hadn't blinked even once, never letting his eyes wander anywhere else but to her.

She took a closer look. Wait...

,,Are you the one's from that video?" She finally asked, breaking the long lasting silence.

Lucifer and Ella flinched, not quite expecting someone speak up.

The devil...oh, right, the actual devil, eyed her curiously, though still in a stiffened posture.

,,Why does everyone keep referring to that bloody video?! It can't be THAT popular, can it?" Was he...annoyed?

,,So it is real?" she asked again.

He nodded. ,,Yes, it is. Bloody fight with my twin brother Michael, wouldn't recommend it, though. Always ends up with someone," he gestured towards himself, ,,getting burned. A little ironic, wouldn't you say? All these millennia ago being pushed over the edge by him, just to end up in Hell, looking like a bloody cheese pizza. And now I got burned when entering Heaven - well, not ar first, but without the ring I clearly would have."

,,Errr, sure..." She just answered, not knowing how to respond to that.

The other blonde in the room noticed and took the initiative. ,,Lucifer...I think that's enough for now..."

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now