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Lucifer drove to LUX.

He couldn't take it anymore. Every time a problem was solved, an even bigger one had to appear. It was an endless cycle.

This time, they hadn't even taken care of the recent ones.

Daniel was still in hell, being tortured by his greatest regrets and fears. Down in hell, time went by much faster, so Dan was trapped in his hell loop for years by now.

Also, he still had no idea when and if he would get God's powers.

And now there was the video, which was probably the biggest of their problems. Should they let everyone believe it wasn't real?

But in that case they would have to go along with it and either make a movie about it or shoot a commercial for LUX, since people thought the video was a tease for either one of these.

Or should celestials reveal themselves? Of course, there would be chaos at first, but after some time of explaining and adjusting, everyone could live together without having to hide.

At least they still had some time to think and talk about it. Their meeting at LUX that night was going to be interesting.

When the devil arrived at LUX, he greeted his bouncers in a hurry, then went straight up to his penthouse.

First, he poured himself a drink. Lucifer needed a distraction from everything that was going on.

They would have enough time to discuss all of that later. For now, Lucifer tried to not think about it.

There was only one thing that always helped him getting through his troubles. Every time he felt hopeless and lost, the Lightbringer would feel drawn to his piano.

With the piano, he was able to let everything out, to express his feelings.

Strangely, this time it seemed, like the piano was calling to him, louder than ever, as if it wanted to be played on...and the more Lucifer concentrated on that strong urge to do so, the more the power focused on only one key.

But not only that. At first it was a loud ringing in his ears, but after trying to focused on it, the ringing disappeared and was replaced by a familiar melody.

Lucifer hesitantly walked over to the piano. Something like that had never happened before.

The closer he got, the clearer and louder the theme chimed.

When he sat down, it slowly fainted. Lucifer somehow knew what to do next.

He pressed middle C. Then the Lightbringer began to play.

At first, he didn't notice the light, which was suddenly surrounding him. Lucifer was lost in his thoughts, looking back at the years gone by like nothing. And still so much had changed.

He had changed, a lot, and it all had begun with the first time he met Chloe.

Lucifer felt the warmth of the light, but thought it was just a side affect of indulging in reminiscences.

Playing 'Heart and Soul' made him feel safe, mostly because he associated the song with the Detective.

After a while, something changed. It was almost, like his body was soaking up the warmth. That made the devil snap out of his thoughts.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now