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,,Getting Daniel out of Hell."

After Lucifer closed the door to the lab, he walked straight to Chloe's desk.

He was a little shaken, it wasn't every day he opened up to someone that much. Of course he had Linda and he truly appreciated her help, but normally, no one else really tried to talk to him about that stuff. Not even Chloe.

The devil was glad to have people in his life he could trust.

,,Detective!" he called her out with a bright smile. It was still surreal that this was going to be one of the last times he would walk down the precinct, looking for his partner, smiling at her sight and to walk right up to her, curious about the next case.

Chloe, who sat at her desk looked up and one could see in her eyes that she would miss these moments as well.

,,Hey, Lucifer! You look pretty worn out, did something happen?" she asked concerned, but just when he was about to speak up she added ,,I'm sorry, I put my question the wrong way. I know we've been through a lot these past days and we are all trying to get used to everything, but that's not what I meant.

You just seem even more exhausted since yesterday, are you okay? You know you can talk to me."

,,Indeed, that's actually why I came over Detective, to talk to you!" he responded excitedly, ignoring Chloe's question about his wellbeing.

She wondered what he was going to tell her now, but it had to be something good.

,,What is it?"

The Angel proudly announced ,,I told Miss Lopez who I am!"

All if the sudden another voice, only familiar to Lucifer added ,,No kidding Lu, you tell everyone who you are every day!"

Azrael turned to Chloe, who almost fell off her chair when the other Angel had appeared.

,,Damn, I thought I was getting better at this..." Azrael mumbled frustrated. The former devil just let out a little chuckle.

,,Hey, I'm Azrael and what Lu here was trying to say is, he showed Lopez his Devil face and his wings!" Both siblings exchanged a proud smile.

At that comment, Chloe looked at her partner as if she were saying 'What?! Why didn't you tell me? I could have been with you.'

Azrael noticed and told the Detective ,,Don't blame Lu for it, it was my idea...Ella is okay with it though." She shrugged.

Now Chloe came to word before either one of them could say something else.

,,Okay, I assume you are one of Lucifer's siblings?" Azrael nodded. ,,Then why did you came up with that? You don't even know Ella!"

The Angel of Death raised her hand a bit to get Chloe to stop, since she wanted to disagree there, but had no luck.

,,Really, who do you believe you are? And Lucifer, I would have expected more of you, you can't just go around and show everyone your divinity just because some wanna be Angel thought it was a good idea!"

Some of the co-workers were already looking at them. They could feel the rage and disappointment all over the work space.

Lucifer carefully grabbed Chloe's hand and almost instantly she relaxed.

,,Detective, first off, I only showed it to Miss Lopez. But she deserved to know. It went much better than I had expected I might add. And-" He was interrupted by his little sister.

,,And secondly, how dare you call me a wanna be Angel? I'm-" she stopped talking when Ella came out of her lab, curious about what was going on there.

Still offended, Azrael turned her gaze to her friend. Lucifer and Chloe did so too.

,,Speak of the forensic scientist..." the Lightbringer stated.

,,Guys, what's going on here? Rae Rae, what are you still doing here, I thought you had to carry on with your work?" The Angel pointed at Chloe, which answered a lot for Ella.

,,Oh, well...Chloe meet Azrael, or Rae Rae. My ghost friend I told you about some time ago, who apparently isn't a ghost but the Angel of Death!" Ella excitedly flapped with her hands.

'Oh!' was all Chloe thought.

,,She called me a wanna be Angel and said that I would tell Lu to show his divinity to everyone Lopez, can you believe it? I'm a very much responsible Angel!"

Chloe slowly recalled the memories of that day Ella told her about the 'Ghost' and her expression changed from furious to apologetic and shocked.

,,I'm so sorry, I didn't know! I would never intentionally insult a friend of my friend! Now it makes sense, you wanted to show your friend who you really are and decided that Lucifer could do the same!

Again I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me...probably it was the fact that you did it without telling me first Lucifer. But I have to accept that you don't always need to ask before doing something, even if it's that big..." Chloe felt very bad for reacting the way she did.

Azrael shook her head and smiled little. ,,It's okay, but next time we really should do the introductions first, so sometimes like this doesn't happen.

Let's do this again. Hey, I'm Azrael, but some people call me Rae Rae. I'm the Angel of Death, my favourite big brother is Lu and I'm best friends with Lopez here."

,,Nice to meet you, I'm Chloe, Lucifer's partner and consultant." The new God smiled proudly when she mentioned her new position.

,,Now, that this is done, I certainly should get going. Can't miss my first therapy session as God, can I? The doctor is probably already waiting as well..." and the Lightbringer was gone.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now