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Chloe and Lucifer brought the food to the table.

Maze and Eve were standing next to the bar, sharing some insights about their new bounty.

Trixie was somewhere hidden behind many staples of ancient literature.

,,Okay, so Trixie is distracted by the books. Shouldn't we start making a plan now, before the others arrive?" Chloe asked.

Lucifer agreed. ,,That would be wise, yes."

They sat down on the couch. ,,I think we should start with only introducing ourselves with our names. I mean she already has met everyone except for Eve, Azrael and Trixie right?

And then Linda, Ella and me, since we are the only adult humans in the know,-" and Dan... 

,,- could reassure her that everything is okay. We also should definitely ask her if she really is ready for this, because if we show her and she doesn't take it well, Linda might lose her daughter."

The former devil nodded in agreement. ,,We need to keep that in mind more than anything else.

Right, next. If she agrees, either Azrael, Amenadiel or I will reveal our wings to her. After which she hopefully won't be a babbling lunatic."

,,And in the end we, or rather all celestials should introduce themselves properly."

Lucifer grinned proudly. ,,Now, that sounds like a solid plan, wouldn't you say, darling?"

She smiled at him in agreement and was about to begin another sentence, when the elevator opened loudly.

,,Hey guys! I hope you got some food, 'cause this lab tech is hangry and you don't wanna hang out with that chica!" 

,,We sure do, Miss Lopez! Just take a seat and your desire will be fulfilled." The Angel smiled brightly at his favourite forensic scientist. 

,,Hey Ella!" A voice filled the room and a second later the person who it belonged to appeared from behind the staples of books.

,,Hey kiddo!" And both hugged each other professionally (in the sense that both are professional huggers).

When Ella released the girl, she asked, ,,So, whatcha reading? Looks like some really old books."

,,Yeah, Lucifer showed them to me and said I could look through them!" She turned to him. ,,But many of them are in languages I can't read, can you read them?"

,,Well, most of them for sure. There are some in Sumerian, though. Those I can't fully understand. I'm only omnilingual when it comes to speaking languages. You'd have to ask my brother for a translation. 

Though I suppose once I get a hold of my powers I would be able to write in every language as well..."

,,That's so cool! 

Do you have any books in English that I can read?"

,,I do, there are quite a few there," he pointed somewhere to the left, ,,and later I could search for others, if you'd like?"

,,Thanks!" She was silent for a moment, then looked at him with huge puppy eyes. ,,Can I please have some Chocolate cake now?" 

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now