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In front of him was a man, about 5 feet 6, short curly light brown hair. He couldn't have been older than 20.

Lucifer recognized him after a moment.

,,Don't I know you from somewhere?" ... ,,I remember...Larry, isn't it?" The young man nodded frantically.

,,First off, I must apologise for my outburst, I've had quite the eventful day, and it certainly isn't over yet.

Now to the more interesting question...what brings a poor sod like you to my club? No offense here, but you don't seem like the adventurous type.

Or is there somewhere, deep down, something you'd like to let out? Come on, Larry. You can tell me, no one else is listening...what is it that you truly desire? Hmm? When you close your eyes, what do you see?"

Larry was already lost in those dark brown eyes, and if he could have, he would have answered the devil by now.

,,Come on, tell me! It isn't that hard, there must be something, don't hold back!" Lucifer tried to get him to talk, but Larry resisted. Or did he?

Slowly, the Lightbringer noticed that Larry's head turned red. It wasn't that the man resisted, he simply wasn't able to answer. Something was blocking the process.

,,Larry, are you feeling alright?" (I need a nickname for Larry, since Lucifer always has one for everyone. Any ideas?)

The man only shook his head, hopelessness in his eyes. He obviously tried to say something, but nothing came out.

Then it dawned on Lucifer. With an angered sigh, he closed his eyes. ,,Oh bloody hell, I didn't mean it literally! My powers don't understand sarcasm, isn't that marvellous?"

He looked at Larry again. ,,My deepest apologies, I just got my new powers and it seems they take every thought of mine literally."

Lucifer raised his head.

,,Now, if you please could let this poor soul talk again, it would be lovely!" Immediately he heard a loud exhale.


A confused man was now looking at him with fear. ,,"

Lucifer sighed again. ,,Well, that was obviously proof, that God does make mistakes."

,,G-God?" Larry stuttered.

,,Yes, God. That's who I am now, dad retired."

,,What?" He was beyond confused. Was everything the dark haired man had said true?

,,I-am-God! Is that so difficult to comprehend?"

Slowly, Larry became a little more confident. ,,So...the...The video on the internet..."

,,Is real, yes. Angels, demons, heaven and hell exist. But I was under the impression you knew that already, since you've heard the Doctor and me talk a few times?"

,,I thought you were delusional! No one would actually believe that without proof...wait...if you...if you told Doctor Martin the truth, then...oh...oh..." Now that the realization had kicked in, Larry wanted to flee as fast as possible, out of the devil's hell hole.

He slowly stumbled to the elevator, pressing the button again and again.

,,Hey, Mister Larry! We didn't talk about why you came here yet! And we also didn't get to the part were you would have told me your deepest darkest desires!"

,,No...No, I think I should go now!"

,,But I don't have much time here anymore, and I'd really like to know! Come on, don't be scared, I won't bite..."

'The devil acting like a child, who knew...' Larry thought.

He slowly stepped away from the elevator.

,,Excellent choice! Now, where were we?"

And the Lightbringer grinned, his eyes glowing red in excitement.

Loop (Sequel to 'The New Normal')Where stories live. Discover now