These Lips Are Mine (1091)

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Written: July 13th 2021
Edited: September 20th 2021

"Hey babe? You still with me?" You asked brushing off the hair on her forehead and kissing it. She hums still a bit distracted. "What's wrong, baby?" You give her a small pout.

Olivia was cuddled up to you on the couch, you've been sitting there all morning, just sitting in front of the tv playing some hallmark movie you didn't really pay attention to.

"I don't want you to go." She says avoiding your eyes, "go where?" You ask.

"The reunion with your old school friends, I don't want you to go." She explains looking down at her fingers twiddling together.

You cup her cheeks making her look up at you, "why not baby?" You ask, your thumb softly caressing her jaw.

"Because she's gonna be there." Olivia said with a hint of disgust and jealousy.

"Baby I told you that was a long time ago." You reassured her.

"Yeah but your MY wife an- exactly, and I would never want that to change." You interrupted her then gave her a quick kiss.

She looks at you for a couple seconds before sighing dramatically "fine, you can go. But be back by" She stares you down. "I'll be here 10:59." You gave her another kiss before leaving to go to the reunion.


It was nearing 10:40 and you wanted too text Olivia, tell her your okay. You pulled out your phone to text her only to find your phone is dead, you quickly put it in the charger and went to the kitchen to refill your water.

You walk in to find Kelly standing there "hey sexy." She said eyeing you.

You scoff and refill your water, about to walk back out to hang out with your other friends when you feel a hand pull you by the hips and into a kiss.

You immediately pushed her away "what the fuck Kelly!" Olivia had warned you, but you didn't listen. "I like you, I've liked you for years now." She says.

"I'm fucking married!" You put up your hand in the air to show her the ring on your finger. "Oh my god, I didn't know I swear" it sounded fake.

"I have to go" you put down your water and walk out the kitchen. "Y/n!" Ben, one of your best friends, shouted as he flung an arm around your shoulders. "Sorry Ben, but I should go, Olivia wants me back home by 11." You said.

"Hey Chris! What's the time?" Chris looked at his phone and then looked up at you and Ben "it's still 10." He lied.

"See you got time." Ben said pulling you with him to sit on the couch.


It's now 11:37 and Olivia is getting worried. Every 5 seconds she sends you a text hoping your okay.

Babe? Are you on your way?


Baby? Where are you?


I'm really worried, please answer me...

Y/n!!! Are you okay? Did you get lost again?

Omg.. someone kidnapedben you!


You never break a promise, so when you say your coming at 10:59, you mean it.

Babe? Please tell me your okay and just lost track of time...


"Guys I really should get going." You said getting up, "bye" Ben gave you a hug and then you grabbed your phone not checking it until you got in the car.

"Oh my's already 11:37!" You said to yourself opening the texts you got from Olivia. After reading the last text you FaceTimed Olivia, and put the phone on the phone hanger in front of you.

After 1 ring she answered the frame of my phone filled with her face. "Olivia, I can expl- get your fucking ass over here right now or I swear to god I will kill you!" She interrupted you.

"Okay okay I'm on my way baby, I promise." You said and then the both of you stayed quiet on call the whole ride home. You ended the call as soon as you walked up to the door.

You entered your room and found Olivia sitting on the bed under the blankets, except she wasn't mad, she looked worried. "Hey..." you whisper softly taking your jacket off and hanging it up.

She clears her throat "are you okay?" She asks and you nod "yes, I promise I just lost track of time." You say as you go sit on the bed beside her going under the covers. "I know I'm late but something else is bothering you, am I wrong?" She shakes her head.

"What's up baby?" You open your arms and she cuddles up to you "I don't know I just had this feeling in my stomach all night. I just felt like Kelly did something..." she sighed and nuzzled her face u to your neck.

"She um she did." You said and Olivia jumped out of your arms, the anger back "what did that bitch do? I'm gonna kill her!" Olivia shouted getting off the bed.

"Baby, Baby Don't blame her." You said following her off the bed.

"No...d-did you fuck her?" Olivia asked the anger quickly being replaced with hurt. "What? Olivia..." You were surprised that after all this time she would think you would cheat on her.

"Did you fucking cheat on me? It's a yes or no question." She shouted.


"What happens then?"

"She just kissed me, and I pushed her away, I promise."

"She kissed those lips." Olivia said pointing to your lips.


"Go wash them."

You laugh "What?"

"Did I stutter? Go wash your mouth." You we're a bit scared of jealous Olivia but sometimes you liked it, it always lead to amazing sex.

You washed your mouth, brushed your teeth and flossed before going back to bed with her, "there, no Kelly here." You said as you sat in front of her crisscrossed on the bed.

She kisses you pushing you back against the bed, "these." She gave you another kiss "lips" and another "are" And another "mine" And another.

"Okay?" She asked and you nodded before kissing her again.

A/n: this is very poorly written cuz I wrote it at around 4 am so....

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I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for your support :)

Love you 3000 ~ Julia

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