Gorgeous (400)

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Written: October 30th 2021
Edited: NOT YET

Your mouth was agape after having watched the new traitor music video. Yes, the video was amazing but that wasn't the reason why you quickly became flustered 30 seconds into watching. It was because of Olivia, your girlfriend.

She looked too good to be true and you almost couldn't believe that this gorgeous woman was sitting in the room next to yours, in the same house.

Olivia was in your shared room, reading the reactions to the new video but she wasn't that good at using laptops or any type of technology. You put your phone down and get up, needing to let her know how that trailer made you feel.

You burst into the room and Olivia looks up at you with furrowed brows. "baby, do you know how to- mmm" She couldn't continue the sentence because your lips were on hers in a second. You push her laptop off of her lap and straddle her, hands messily tangling in her hair.

"Babe.. I'm not- mm, complaining.. but what's all this.. for?" Olivia mumbles breathlessly between your passionate kisses, not being able to control her quiet moans of enjoyment.

Olivia's hands rest on your thighs as you pull away breathlessly and trail your lips down her neck, causing Liv to lean her head back against the headboard and moan. Olivia pulls you up and pushes your hair away from your face and cups your cheeks.

"What's going on, baby?" Olivia chuckles at your eagerness, tucking in her bottom lip between her teeth at the sight of how gorgeous you looked. "You just looked so good in the tritor music video, Liv. Can't help myself when my girlfriend is this gorgeous, now can I?" You rush before kissing her again, this time less heated. She chuckles underneath you.

"gorgeous?" She raises an eyebrow and you nod with confidence. Your head already leans down to her jaw again to continue your assault but she hums 'No', pulling her head away with a smirk. "babe, I'm not 'gorgeous'. pretty, I am. gorgeous, no way" Olivia states as a matter of fact and you raise your eyebrows at her.

Your hands trace her jawline and you lean in, as your other hand slips into her sweatpants. "You're gorgeous to me, so fucking sexy too." And with that Olivia's breath hitches in her throat. "Yeah? Thought so".

[1] Olivia Rodrigo | One shots/Imagines [F/M Readers]Where stories live. Discover now