Shoot Pt. 2 (986)

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Written: July 17th 2021
Edited: September 21st 2021

That night you got home happy with your work with Conan. You hadn't realized he was that nice. Your mind however kept running back to Olivia and her smile.

You had only just met her, but there was something about her laugh that just...stuck with you. You've done shoots for many celebrities but none of them had this much affect on you... except for maybe Leonardo DiCaprio. (A/n: I think I spelled it wrong)

You're a big fan of Titanic, and he might be old now but his charm is still there.


Olivia had gotten home right after the shoot, she stayed in her room all day trying to remember the lyrics she had in mind during the shoot, but every time she tries to think of it her mind goes back to you.

You and your bright smile, you and your funny personality. The way you knew everyone on the crew's name. The way you didn't bring up the fact that Olivia was famous. The way all the questions you asked her didn't involve one bit of drama happening in her life right now.

Without a second thought she pulled out her phone and searched 'Y/n' in her contacts only to laugh at the contact name. After biting her lip for a few moments trying to decide weather to text you or not, she sent you a text.


Olivia: hey, it's Olivia.

Y/n: the name doesn't ring a bell...

Olivia: 🙄 Rodrigo.

Y/n: still....

Olivia: okay then I'll be going 🏃‍♀️

Y/n: no wait I do remember you lol

Olivia: good, so are you free tomorrow?

Y/n: as a matter of fact, I am.

Olivia: great! Send me your address and I'll pick you up at... 7?

Y/n: and what would we do?

Olivia: go on a date 'future wifey'

Y/n: ahhhh I see what your doing.

Y/n: ok 7 sounds good, (insert address) casual?

Olivia: yep! See you there.

Y/n: wait?

Olivia: what's up?

Y/n: i dont know, this just felt really easy I guess.

Olivia: this isn't the go with the flow y/n I met today.

Y/n: your right. Ill do more of that.

Olivia: bye

Y/n: bye

Olivia closed her phone and went back to the piano keyboard in front of her.

"I" she played the cords.

"I used to hear a simple..." she stoped playing the cords to think.

"I used to hear a simple song" she wasn't quiet satisfied with what she had gotten so far but she didn't want to be late to her date.


You got ready at 6 and just waited by the door for Olivia.
It was a problem you had, either you get ready too early or too late.

You couldn't tell if you were nervous because it was a date with Olivia Rodrigo or because it was the first date you had in over a year.

Olivia knocked on your door 3 times and you immediately got up and opened the door way too fast for your liking.

She couldn't help but chuckle at how fast you got to the door. You blushed and looked down at your feet feeling even more nervous. "Let me just grab my purse." You said before looking away only to turn back to Olivia, "you can come in, if you want. I'll only be a minute but you don't have to stay at the door like that."

"Oh thanks." Olivia stepped in and stood there and you raced to your room to grab your phone. She scanned the small apartment, something catching her eyes.

A picture of you and a blond girl, she had her arm around your waist, and you had a bright smile on your face. But that's not what grabbed Olivia's attention, it was the ring on your finger, and the red velvet box in her hand.

Her thoughts were interrupted by you coming back, "ready?" You asked and Olivia nodded "ready."


You had just sat down the table with Olivia. You took a sip of your water and cleared your throat catching her attention from the menu she was looking at. "I'm very honest, it's a problem, so tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

"Why would it be a problem?" She asked, "because I'm really honest." You emphasized 'really' and she laughed.

After ordering and talking for a few minutes the food arrived and you both started eating. "So you said favourite colour is red, why?" Olivia asked. "Blood." You simply said before taking another bite out of your food, "blood? That's not an answer y/n."

"You know that show grey's anatomy?" You asked and she nodded, "well it's my favourite show, and it has a lot of blood."

"Yeah, but what's so satisfying about blood?" Olivia asked now more into the conversation "I don't know..."

"Okay, tell me something about yourself." Olivia dropped the other conversation.

"What do you wanna know?"


"You mean anything about that girl in the photo you saw in my apartment?"

"I- you don't have to..." Olivia stuttered. "No it's fine." You replied and she waited for you to continue.

"Her name was Sarah and we dated for 2 years before that day she proposed to me, the picture, and then on the drive home... we got into an accident- I um I'm the only one who made it." You voice broke a little, you never talked about Sara. You were expecting all that 'I'm sorry for your loss' crap or 'she's in a better place' but instead Olivia got up and pulled you into a hug. It felt so...right.

A/n: i'm making a part 3

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I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for your support :)

Love you 3000 ~ Julia

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