🌀 Requested (981)

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Written: July 21st 2021
Edited: NOT YET

Tittle: His Birthday

This was requested by @merderrrrrr. Thanks for the request, I hope you like it!

Request: "Can you do one where they share a steamy moment😏 or them just kissing in front of the paparazzi idk"


"Y/n! Come on, we're gonna be late!" Olivia shouted from the door. You were still getting ready. You and Olivia were invited to Conan's birthday party and since he's Olivia's best friend she didn't want to be late.

Your pov

All of Olivia's friends know we're a couple, just not everyone else. We haven't gone public with the relationship so I'm just her 'friend'. It was annoying to be friend zoned by my girlfriend every. Single. Day. But I'm sure it's worth it. She's the love of my life, how could it not be?


Third pov

You were on your way to the party. She sat beside you in the passenger seat, her hands intertwined together while yours were on the wheel. You took your right hand off the wheel and grabbed one of hers. This brought her attention away from the scenery she was watching from the window.

"What's wrong?" You glanced at her for a moment before looking back at the road ahead. "Nothing..." She still sounded focused on something else, but one thing you learned with being with Olivia; don't push. You picked up her hand and brought it to your lips pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles. "Okay, I'll wait until your ready to reel me." You placed her hand on your thighs and put your hand on top of hers.

She smiled at you before saying "I love you." You hum in response "I love you too, baby."


As soon as you got out the car, you sprinted to open the car door for Olivia not noticing the paparazzi. You put out a hand for her to take, she took it and got out the car "such a gentlewomen." She teased and you laughed.

"Lucky you." You smirked at her, you gave her a quick pec on the lips, then took her hand in yours and walked to the door.

Both you and Olivia's eyes widened when you finally noticed the paparazzi. "Shit" she mumbled. How could you forget, paparazzi were going to be here?

You let go of her hands and gave her a worried look before rushing through the door, her following. Both of you avoiding the paparazzi.

When you got inside you wished Conan happy birthday and avoided Olivia for the rest of the night. You did this because you thought she'd be mad of the rumours that were to come, what you didn't know was that she was sad, thinking you felt ashamed of her.

Olivia passed you a note as she walked by you during the party:

Meet me in the back in 5.

You were ready to be yelled at, to be broken up with. You didn't expect what happened...

Five minutes later you went to the back of the building and waited for Olivia.


A few minutes later she approached you, once again, you didn't see the paparazzi hiding in the bushes.

"I'm sorry." You both said in unison surprising one another.

She laughed "what are you sorry for?"

You were confused "what are you sorry for?"

"We both don't have to be sorry for anything, it was just a small kiss, a small rumour that'll blow over in no time." It sounded as if she was trying to reassure herself more than you.

You nod mumbling a small 'yeah' before you grab her waist and push her against the wall. Her breath hitches "w-what are you doing, y/n." She breathed out before you started kissing down her neck "What?" You asked innocently.

"Y-y/n, we can't-" she cut herself off with a moan when you found her sweet spot and stated sucking on it.

You left a trail of kisses up her neck  and to her jaw "I love you, Olivia." You whispered against her lips before kissing her, she broke the kiss to say it back "I love you too."

The kiss turned heated as you both forgot where you were. You started to slowly tug on Olivia's shirt. It's when you both pulled away to catch your breath did you hear the camera click.

You quickly gave your back to Olivia to cover her face, but it was no use. The paparazzi had caught you kissing.

Now that you had stopped they all swarmed you and threw questions at you.

Are you two together?

Was this a one time thing?

We're you planning on having sex at the back of your best friends birthday party?

Who knows about this?

Since when are you gay, Olivia?

Are you married?


Thankfully you and Olivia were able to avoid the questions until security came.

Now you were in bed with Olivia, her head on your lap.

You were playing with her hair with one hand, while the other scrolling through your phone.

"How do think the fans will take it?" She asked gabbing your attention away from your phone.

"Well as your number one fan, I fully support you, your girlfriend and your sexuality." You stated with a grin.

Olivia laughs before putting a serious face on "I know you didn't want to go public because of all the hate I would get, but you can't protect me from everything y/n."

You hummed in response "but I sure as hell will try." She smiled at you. "Come on, bedtime." You pulled the blanket over the two of you as Olivia cuddled more into you.

A/n: I don't know if this is what you wanted, but....still hope you like it @merderrrrrr

If you have any requests let me know. Don't forget to vote!
I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for your support :)

Love you 3000 ~ Julia

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