Wine (409)

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Written: October 3rd
Edited: NOT YET

Olivia pushed her brown hair out of her face as she made her way over to join you on the couch.

She placed one of the glasses of red wine in her hands onto the table, handing the second one to you.

You took a sip from the glass, pulling the blanket so Olivia could join you. She took her place beside you, happily accepting the blanket across her lap, using it as an excuse to be close to you, not that either of you needed an excuse.

The two of you enjoyed your days off, being able to stay cuddled up on the couch, drinking a little too much wine and just letting yourselves enjoy the company of the other.

"Thank you," you smiled, sipping the drink again before placing it on the table at your side of the couch.

"Anything for you," she mumbled making you smile.

She kicked her feet up onto the couch arm, letting herself stretch out. You curled into her side. Your head rested on her chest while she wrapped her arm around you, forcing you as close to her as you could get.

Both of you were in your pyjamas, even though it was still the middle of the afternoon. "Was that the last of the bottle?" You asked her.

She nodded her head. "Well there was a splash left but I drank that."

"I think there is another in the cupboard," you assured her. "We'll have to get another couple of bottles for when Madi comes over next week."

"There's a couple of beers in the fridge, so we can move onto those and leave the wine for the weekend?" She offered. You shrugged your shoulders, snuggling closer to her.

Neither of you drank on a daily basis but you did both enjoy a couple of glasses of wine or a few beers to share between you while you cuddled and talked.

Olivia leant down and pressed her lips gently on the top of your head. Even though the day was just filled with a few alcoholic beverages and non-stop cuddling, it was one of the days that you loved the most.

Spending time with Olivia always put a smile on your face and today wasn't any different.

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I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for your support :)

Love you 3000 ~ Julia

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