Pink Slips (851)

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Written: September 11th 2021
Edited: NOT YET

A/n: I'm obsessed with this song currently. So this one shot is inspired by it. Hope you like it!

I know that I usually do a request and then my own idea but I'm still working on the requests so...

Btw, there are 3 main characters in this 'story': y/n y/l/n, Hope and Olivia Rodrigo.

You blew me a kiss in the class that she skips

You sat in class twiddling your pen in your hand while looking around the class as your teacher babbles on about her plans for the weekend.

That's when you Hope smiled at you and blew you kiss.

You slightly smiled back at her, but the only thing that went through your mind was 'where's Olivia?'.

And you hold my hand, but she bites my lips

Hope rang your doorbell and you opened the door, almost ready for school, "hold on, I got to get my bag." You said before running to your room and coming back to the door with your backpack on your back.

"Ready?" Hope asked holding her hand out for you to hold.

You hesitated, thinking of Olivia, but took her hand and started the walk to school.

When you arrive at school, Hope have you a kiss on the cheek and walked to her home room.

As soon as she was out of sight you were pulled by Olivia into the washroom.

Olivia pushes you against the wall by the sinks and kisses you.

She pulls away slowly, holding onto your bottom lip for a second longer slightly biting it.

"I missed you." She breaths out."

I'll wear your sweater, for her I unzip

Hope sits beside you on a the grass on the field during lunch eating from a bag of chips.

You rub your arms trying to stay warm in the chilly weather and hope notices.

She takes off her sweater and stands up to wrap it around you.

After lunch ends Hope let's you keep her sweater saying, "keep it, give it back to me at the end of the day." She smiles softly at you, giving you a kiss on your cheek.

Your on your way back to class when walks up to you in the now empty halls, "Olivia, class started 10 minutes ago."

"Means no one is in the hall." She whispers in your ear before pushing you against the lockers.

After a couple kisses she looks down at your sweater, "is that Hopes?" You nod.

"Right." Olivia takes her hands off your hips and backs away from you.

You stop her by grabbing her wrist and pushing her against the lockers.

She looks at you surprised as you start to unzip the sweater.

You write me love letters, while she gets pink slips

A teacher comes before you could do more, "I'm sorry girls, but you've got detention."

Olivia interferes, "no sir... she was coming back from the washroom." You nodded eagerly.

She gets pink slips

He sighed and pulled out a pink slip and a pen, only writing Olivia's name, "I know for a fact you weren't coming back from the washroom, Olivia. Y/n, you get a pass."

Your about to argue when Olivia stops you, "just go to class y/n." You listen to her and grab the sweater from the ground and head on your way to class.

While putting on Hopes sweater you notice a piece of paper fall out the pocket. You pick it up and read it:

Dear Y/n,
You might be borrowing My sweater, but you'll always keep my heart. 
                                  XOXO Hope

Should butterflies be in my stomach while my head is on your lap

You rest your head on Hopes lap as you listen to one of the songs Olivias sent you a voice memo of, though your ear buds.

Hope has a book in her right hand while she plays with your hair with her left.

Shouldn't I be feeling something
Can't get myself to love you back

You look up at Hope to see her perfect and matching makeup then close your eyes and picture Olivia today at school.

And your eyeliner is flawless
Always colored in the lines
But her makeup's always running
And in the race she's first in line

You pull out your phone from your pocket and send a text to Olivia.


She doesn't respond.

You take your ear buds out and put your phone away, "hey, Hope?" Hope buns in response as she gets a bookmark and puts it at the page she stoped at, "yeah?"

You're giving me too much attention

"Thank you for the letter.." you start,

You think you're doing it all right

"It was sweet."

I guess in theory it's all perfect
But perfect's never been my type

You get a text,

Hey back! Wanna hang out?

A/n: there's more to the song but I think this is the best ending for me.

If you have any requests let me know. Don't forget to vote!
I love and appreciate you all! Thanks for your support :)

Love you 3000 ~ Julia

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