Chapter 11

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Sorry for late update!
'But how could it be Jungkook...? Didn't he--'


Y/n: "Jimin? What are you thinking about? Please tell me how do you know hi--"

Jimin cut her off, saying.

Jimin: "Y/n... Y/n I-I need to go.."
Desperation was clearly visible in his tone.

Y/n: "y-yes but what's wrong Jimin...? Are you okay?"

Jimin: "I-I am okay..."
He was about to leave but stopped abruptly.

Jimin: "Y/n can you come with me?"

Y/n: "b-but where--?"

Jimin: please...?"
Y/n sighed and gave in. She was worried and baffled at the same time because of the sudden concerned expression on Jimin's face.

She somewhere knew that he is desperate for something. He was driving the car at the fast speed that what scared Y/n but she didn't say anything.

It has been almost 2 minutes and they already reached. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows the moment she noticed the unexpected place.

Y/n: "why are we at Mr. Kim's house, Jimin?"

Jimin said nothing but dragged her inside. He knocked on the hardly, y/n startled.

Not so soon the door opened.

Taehyung: "what the--- Jimin? Y/n?"

Jimin directly came inside along Y/n.

Jimin: "I need to talk to you, Taehyung"
Taehyung startled at sudden serious tone of Jimin. He nodded.

Jimin opened his mouth but closed it again realising the presence of y/n.

He turned to her.

Jimin: "One second, can I talk to him please?"
Y/n quickly gave in.

Jimin dragged him at a corner.

Taehyung: "what's wrong, Jimin-ah? Why are you nervous and sweaty?"

Jimin: "T-taehyung...Jungkook... H-he--"
He didn't know how to say.

Taehyung: "what about Jungkook?"
Taehyung sounded nervous, but he didn't expected the other sentence to come up.

Jimin: "h-he is l-living with y/n?"

Taehyung: "are you drunk? What are you even saying, do you hear yourself??"

Jimin groaned, because he expected the same response.

He explained him the total segment.

Taehyung was in disbelief.

Jimin: "don't you still believe me?? We'll ask y/n straight!"

He dragged me back to her.

Jimin growled, y/n startled.


"You're talking about the same Jungkook guy who is living with you?!"

She nodded her head.

"And he never let you touch him or take him out anywhere right?"

She nodded her head again.

Taehyung gasped, he glanced at Jimin with his teary eyes. Jimin had his tears threatening to fall.

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