Chapter 49

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Jungkook gasped, he ran towards her.

"Y/N! Y/N.. Love.."
He cried out, he looked over at his friends who were panicking equally.

"P-please.. hyung save her.. my baby"
No one listened to him.

Jimin: "Get a cloth from somewhere! She's loosing blood."

Taehyung nodded and without any thoughts he took his handkerchief out and handed it to him.

Hoseok: "She's still conscious!"

Hearing that, Jungkook stared at y/n.

"Y-y/n.. love see! I'm not leaving okay?! Don't you dare close your eyes, hm? Look at me.."
He tried to pat her cheeks but they went through it.

He cried in agony, but no tears were brimming down his eyes.

She blinked her eyes tiredly.

Jimin: "Call up a doctor!"

Taehyung: "I did already.."

Jimin: "Y/n look at me! Do not close your eyes please!"
He pleaded, and kept on slapping her cheeks slightly to not let her sleep.

Jungkook just stared at her helplessly. He sobbed harder when she closed her eyes.

"No y/n! B-baby.. please wake up. Look at me please, t-talk to me.. I can't lose you."
He cried in his palms.

"I-I'm at fault! I'm so stupid! I-I'm so stupid! I caused you pain.."
He continued blaming himself and crying.

He did so until he felt a tap on his back. He turned around only to see Hoseok, looking at him.

Jungkook frowned his eyebrows.

He muttered.

Jungkook gasped.
"Y-you can see me?"

He was cut off when he was bombarded with a hug.

The other three let out a cry of happiness. They couldn't believe their eyes. It felt so unreal to them.

Jungkook was in daze. They kept on hugging him.

Jungkook: "H-how--"
He gasped in realization and crawled to his love instantly.

He hugged her tightly. He cried out, and a relief rushed through his body when he could actually feel his tears. He was confused, whether he should be happy or sad.

"B-baby.. see I'm back love. I'm back for only you baby? Talk to me, hm? Won't you? WHERE'S THE DOCTOR!"
He yelled at the other three who were staring at him with tear filled eyes.

They were soon cut off with a knock.

Jimin: "Maybe the doctor is here!"
He stood and went to open the door. He was greeted the doctor and let him in.

He had few nurses with him.

The doctor looked kind of nervous as he entered.

Taehyung: "Mr. San there's nothing to be nervous! There's no ghost in here!"
He said chuckling afterwards.

Mr. San frowned.
"I don't believe in such shits!"
He shrugged off.

Jimin: "Can we talk later? First check her!"
He frustratedly said.

Mr. San rushed towards y/n and checked her pulse rate.

"Her pulse rate is so slow.."
The doctor muttered.

Jungkook gasped. His hands shivered.

"But there's no need to worry, she cut herself wrong anyways.."
He said with a smile.

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