Chapter 42

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"Would you look at me right now?"
Jungkook pleaded. Y/n scoffed and looked away.

"Do you seriously think I-I feel good when I hear such things, not from you b-but others?"
Her eyes filled with tears as she whimpered.

Jungkook embraced her quickly.
"No baby.. I-I know how it would've hurt you s-so for your happiness--"

"This is not how you would've kept me happy! I-I couldn't help but f-feel useless Koo--"

"Don't please.. you're not useless, y-you're the best girl I could ever have in my life.. your smile was enough for my worries to vanish away love.."
Jungkook smiled sadly, cupping and caressing her cheeks. He wiped away her tears.

Y/n: "I-I can't help.. I s-should've paid more attention to yo--"

"Shh.. it's my fault that I didn't tell you, you were always attentive towards me. You never failed to make me feel loved sweetheart"
Jungkook pecked her cheeks, letting his lips linger there for a while.

Jungkook: "Don't you ever outgrade yourself! You were are best."
Y/n sobbed and hugged him tightly.

It went on for few moments when their moment was interrupted with a voice message.

Y/n pulled out and checked the message.

"Hello, It's Mr. Jung Donghyun and I want you here in the cyber right now for an important discussion regarding Jungkook's case, Be there by 5"

"It's already the time! What would he want to talk? Did he caught them already?! Omg! Koo let's go!"
Y/n yelled and instantly jumped down her bed only to let out a scream in pain.

Jungkook: "What the hell y/n!?"
He yelled and quickly held her, worry clear on his face.

Y/n smiled.
"I'm not yet used to it! I'll be soon, don't worry"
She whispered with a smile on. Jungkook couldn't help but feel so bad.

Y/n: "Hand those crutches Koo.."

Jungkook handed her crutches and help her over them.

Jungkook: "W-we can just stay at home.. you may--"

Y/n: "Shh.. you know how long I've been waiting for this! The one who killed will be infront of us!"
She muttered and adjusted with the crutches.

Jungkook was alert enough to hold her anytime. She smiled when she tried to adjust.

Jungkook frowned thinking, 'Did they really caught my killer? Is it--' He was snapped out when Y/n shook him.

Y/n: "C'mon what are you thinking about Koo?! We need to go"
Jungkook hesitantly nodded, he helped her along and went out.

Time Skip

"Miss. Y/n.. right?"

"Um yeah, Mr. Jung called me here, for the discu--"

"Yeah we know, you can proceed there"
She cut her off and pointed at the last room. Y/n smiled awkwardly and bowed to her.

'Why would they call her there?'
Jungkook thought nervously.

Y/n peeked in and found Mr. Jung sitting there. Y/n cleared her throat, catching his attention.

He looked up and frowned.
"I'm sorry you had to be like this.."

'She doesn't need your pity!' Jungkook thought to himself angrily but unfortunately he couldn't voice it out.

Y/n: "It's okay! It's because of you that I'm alive today!"
She smiled respectfully.

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