Chapter 18

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Sorry for making you wait🥺

Jungkook POV

"I know you do..."
I gasped again. 'She knows?'

"W-what are you--"

"I'm not dumb okay? And what if I was one of your lover in past?"
She smirked.

"What do you mean by one of the lover? You were the only one and will be the only one, understand?!!"
I glared at her, but didn't realise what words just slipped out of my mouth.

She looked astonished, that's when I realised what I spoke.

"N-no y-y/n... I--"

"Don't panic, Koo... I remember you and I love you too okay?"
She smiled sweetly. Now the astonished one was me. My eyes filled with tears.

"Y-you remember me?"
I asked, she smiled and nodded.

"Yah!! Koo I'm talking to you? Why aren't you listening?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and found her looking at me with confused face.
'Was it a dream?'

"Where were you? Zoning out? Huh?"
She asked me with baffled look.

'It was a dream!'
"How rubbish?!"

"What rubbish?!" (She asked)

"Uh-oh nothing, what were you saying?"
I asked changing the topic, she soon composed herself and spoke.

"I know you do like me Koo?"
I gulped, chanting in my mind. 'don't get your hopes up Jungkook'

I didn't respond so she continued.
"Because of you didn't like me then I wouldn't have ever seen you nor did you have been living with me!"

She exclaimed happily and here I sighed sadly, but seeing her smile, I smiled back too.

'you will know one day, about me y/n! Even if I don't want you to'
I smiled sadly.

"Okay now go and sleep, hm?"
I spoke softly, but as I said that her smile suddenly fell down, she frowned deeply and looked away shaking her head.

I sighed.
"Y/n I'm sorry... Please I was just worried. How could I make it up to you bub?"

She suddenly blushed.
"What's with that b-bub?"
She asked still blushing.

I felt giddy.
"Okay if you don't like it then sor--"

"No no, actually I loved it, I guess I'm used to it, a-as if I heard it many times! I just feel butterflies in my sto----Oh I shouldn't say that"
Her cheeks were a bit red.

I chuckled. 'that's what I used to call you'
"Okay, do you forgive me? Bub"

"U-uh y-yes... B-but I was also at the fault! I'm sorry"
She spoke in a small voice looking down.

"Okay now go and sleep"
She nodded, and went to the bedroom, but stopped abruptly.

"A-aren't you coming?? A-actually I'm used to sleep with your presence around so..."
She flustered.

I smiled widely.
"Okay let me tuck you in bed, bub"
I smirked, when her cheeks heat up and she quickly made her way in to the bedroom. I followed her feeling happy internally.


"Have your breakfast y/n?!"
I yelled at her, when she was about to exit the house, hurriedly.

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