Chapter 39

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Jungkook gasped and instantly opened his eyes and checked on y/n but sighed in relief when he found no injuries.

He looked back and found the person collapsed on the floor and his companions running away.

"Go and catch them!"
Mr. Jung yelled gesturing other officers and ran towards y/n.

"A-are you okay?! Oh my god you're bleeding!"
He instantly crouched down and grabbed her.

"Y-you'll be o-okay!"
Jungkook stuttered out, as y/n weakly looked at him due to excessive blood loss.

He nonetheless followed them desperately as y/n was taken by Mr. Jung.

Mr. Jung placed her in the car and ordered the driver.

"Take her to the hospital quick! I'll wait here until the situation calms down"

"Okay sir!"
The other complied instantly fuelling and driving towards the hospital. Jungkook sat there beside her.

"Y/n.. b-baby please don't close your eyes.. please"
He desperately whispered. Y/n blinked and nodded slightly.

"B-but I w-want to sleep, I'm s-so exhausted Koo"
She barely whispered, but gladly Jungkook could hear it.

"N-no.. no no, f-fight back y/n!"
Jungkook sobbed as his eyes never left the wound that kept bleeding heavily with every passing second.

"C-can you hear me? Y-y/n!"
He yelled wholeheartedly but y/n could barely hear. She gave a slight nod, her eyes getting droopy.

"I-I'll do everything you, say! J-just hear me this time"
He didn't feel pain but he was devastated when her eyes closed.

"Y-y/n? Baby? See.. open your eyes, t-talk to me! SPEED UP THE CAR!!"
He yelled but the driver couldn't hear him. He just sobbed helplessly, his hands on his face.

"P-please.. don't l-let this happen"
All he could whisper was this. Sooner or later they reached the hospital.

The person other than Jungkook quickly got in the passenger seat and carried her inside the hospital.

She was soon admitted as Jungkook stood beside her laying body, operated by doctors. He sighed and got out. He couldn't see her being handled by those doctors and being hurtfully checked.

He sobbed loudly collapsing on the ground, yelling whole-heartedly.

It was many hours that the doctor came out. He quickly sprinted to him.

"H-how's she? How's m-my y/n? She's okay ri--"

He was just completely ignored by the doctor.

"She is okay for now.. but the shot was so tough that it slightly cracked her knee cap. She may or may not be able to walk.. forever"
The doctor told to the person, but he just shrugged, who was her to him anyways.

But Jungkook was broken beyond repair. He gasped. His surroundings were spinning. What did she do to deserve this?
Why was he being always a life threatening problem to her?

His lips quivered. He was dead but still he had the audacity to come back? What he did afterall, just increase her misery?

He yelled in agony and went in, to see the worst sight of his love lying lifelessly on the bed.

He whimpered and crouched towards her.

"I-I'm sorry.. I c-can't forgive myself f-for letting you suffer because me.. I would've n-never come to you.. you would've been atleast h-happy and already in relationship with someone else.."
He sobbed and continued.

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