Chapter 33

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"What happened further then?"
She asked Hobi, who frowned and nodded.

"It was week when he did the same.. ignoring me b-but a day b-before he left...


Hobi POV

I was drown in guilt from these past few days. It was almost a week that I lost the contact with Jungkook.

I didn't actually knew that is he still involved in those? But the news were totally filled with his success. I'm happy that he did what he wanted.

Maybe a fake friend like me was never made for an angel and pure person like Jungkook.

I sighed sadly.

'But even though he won't want me to be his friend, I want him to forgive me, so that I won't die feeling guilty everyday.
I thought to myself determinedly.

"Honey! Come down once!"
My mom called me out of blue. I snapped out and yelled back a 'yes'

When I reached there, I found my mom looking at me worriedly.

I furrowed my eyebrows and approached them.

"What happened dad? Mom?"

My mom glanced at my dad, who didn't even look at her yet kept staring into my soul.

"Did I do something wrong?"
I asked to my dad who was emotionless.

"Were you spying on your friend, these days?"
He asked sternly. I was caught off guard.


"Do you think that you're smart enough that you're going to spy on your friends?!"
He yelled, I flinched but my mom held me.

"Don't shout at him!"
My mom defended me. But my dad didn't budge, he was glaring at me.

"Why the hell were you doing this, may I know?"
He asked coldly. I gulped.

"D-dad I--"
I stopped myself, should I tell him? But I caught my mom who was looking down, holding back her tears.

"I said speak up!!"
I startled and looked at him in pure astonishment, because it was the first he was adamant and fierce.

"Y-you go in your room, o-okay?"
My mom whispered to me.

"But Dad.. I-I didn't want you to--"
I tried speaking but he walked away with loud steps.

My lips quivered as my eyes filled with tears.

I got myself out from my mom's hold and left in the room. I ignored her yells and calls for me behind.

I locked the door and sat on the bed thinking harder.
'How did he find it out but?? Mom? She can't because it was a secret for her too..'

I rubbed my temples and decided to sleep before messaging Jungkook. Because he don't respond, but he never blocked me. And I can't be more thankful.

Time Skip 📸

I woke up with some shuffling and murmurings of my parents. It was already morning. I furrowed my eyebrows and headed down.

"What happened?"
My dad looked at me with unfazed look but responded nonetheless.

"Son of Mr. Jeon is no more.."
He calmly stated. I felt my whole world stop and shatter infront of my eyes.

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