
18 0 0

The day has finally come. George and Dream stared at each other both wearing suits. Dream was wearing a dark green suit and a black tie whilst George was wearing a casual black suit and a red tie. They both looked amazing with their outfits that their eyes couldn't seem to tear away from each other's appearance. Dream's eyes were wide open as he scans George. George's eyes were open normal as he tried his best to push away the heat that was building up across his cheeks. He was flustered by this whole situation though nervous.

He will meet Dream's family today. They were told to wear fancy clothing for that's what Dream's parents said. Dream and George's eyes met that made Dream realize he was staring a bit too much. He cleared his throat, huffing before shyly complimenting George. George returned the compliment making all the blood finally stay on his cheeks. He couldn't even look at Dream because he felt like if he would, he'll just pass out right then and there. He has completely fallen. He felt like falling from the heavens, falling on soft clouds on his back as it caught him.

They sighed for a bit, taking off some of the nerves before they grabbed each other's hands walking towards Dream's car. The black BMW shone with the evening sun, just almost hiding behind the horizon. Dream stopped them both in front of the passengers' door before turning his whole body to George which George also copied.

They stood for a second or two holding both of their hands and just appreciating each other's presence. They were both tense and Dream could feel George's hands shaking against his own,

"We got this okay? And if they ever said that they don't like you... just remember that I will never leave your side" Dream reassured George as George's eyes started to pick up liquid.

"But Dream you wouldn't know. What if they actually don't like me and they'll brainwash you or something" George shakily explained, trying his best to take deep breaths. Dream brought George's body against his. George's head was against Dream's beating chest and his eyes full of worry.

"No... I would never George. I love you no matter what they do or whatever happens, mkay? So don't worry" George nodded though his mind still didn't comply. It sounded like... a foreshadow? or something, he couldn't quite catch it. His worry skyrocketed through mountains and clouds. They pulled away and gave each other small smiles before going their way.

The car ride was silent. It was comfortable even with George's tightening chest. The car was filled with heavy breathing and shuffling for George would squirm once in a while on his seat. The small thudding noise from George's shoes continued. Dream noticed this and placed a comforting hand on George's thigh, slowly caressing it.

After fifteen(15) minutes of driving just exactly the speed limit, they've arrived at the airport and George was a bit confused but decided against the way of asking. He followed Dream behind. He watched and admire Dream and his mind checked for reality. Is this actually my boyfriend?

Dream soft blonde hair bobbed up and down as his shoes made tapping noises against the tiled floor. The airport was once obnoxiously loud but it changed into a small and quiet muffled shuffling and talking, only focusing his senses into Dream. Suddenly the once cold air was replaced with semi-hot fresh air as they exited a pair of glass doors. The sounds of huge engines prodded both of their hearing and the air that was produced welcome them. A large plane waited for them on the runway. George's mouth agape at the well-dressed flight attendant just by the red-carpeted stairs.

"Dream, what?!" George screamed but it was barely a small shout as his voice was completely blocked from the blaring engines. Dream waved him, insisting for George to follow him, and shut his mouth so he did. The guy from afar greeted them as they walked up the fancy stairs. The female just beside the other guy pretended to brush a speck of invisible dust on Dream's suit. George's eyes narrowed as he reached for Dream's hand smiling at Dream when Dream gave him a confused look. He smirked, his head held high as he made his way towards a couch.

The cabin was very big and he meant big. The couch that he was currently sitting on was pressed against a wall guessing that it was either a bedroom or a bathroom. On the other side was a way for the stewardess to go to the kitchen or their office. In front of them was a glass oval coffee table with a cool lamp in the middle. A three-seater dining table was pressed against the other wall, above was a hanging lamp.

Dream sat beside George placing his head on George's shoulder. George knew that Dream is rich knowing that his mom is a famous doctor and his dad owns a huge and one of the most famous cruise but he definitely didn't expect Dream to have his own private plane. Before they both knew it the plane was now in the sky diving and swimming through the dark fluffy clouds. George watched the cities under him glowing like small little ants,

"Uh, Dream?" Dream merely hummed against George's neck with his eyes closed.

"May I ask why we needed a whole plane?" Dream replied a small 'oh',

"Oh, it's just that my family lives three states away so I thought that calling my pilot and going there with a plane will be much more easier and relaxing."

Dream explained with the same position from earlier. George only nodded as he rested his head on Dream's, closing his eyes too. Their silent atmosphere was interrupted by a flight attendant asking for what food they wanted. Dream asked for something specific whilst George just asked for something not really in the mood for eating yet his stomach silently grumbled.


An hour and forty(1hr 40min) later. They finally got out of the plane. The wind of Louisiana coldly welcomed them, making them shiver. It was currently 8:45 p.m. And the dinner starts at 9:30 so they decided to stay in the hotel for a bit waiting for the time, though it felt like one(1) second before they started to go to the place, entering their limousine. George cringed at how Dream lives in such luxury and him living and financing himself at eighteen(18). What would Dream's parents say? Oh heavens.

The limousine came to an abrupt stop making George tear his gaze away from oblivion. Dream immediately got out of the car while grabbing George's hand. He seemed to be excited to finally meet his family for almost two(2) years. The place stood beside a natural pond, shining brightly with its glory.

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