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George stirred up in his bed, alone. He stretched up and yawned before standing up. His legs were a bit jelly from last night, he smiled as he recollected.

'Dream is finally mine' he thought but not much has passed as he started to yell it over and over again jumping around his room. He calmed down and squealed before walking away, keeping a straight face, and did his normal morning routine.

He hopped in his car, excited to see his boyfriend. He opened the window before he started to drive, connecting his phone to the aux cord, and played his personal playlist on Spotify.

Seven(7) minutes in, halfway through the drive, a familiar song came up to the speakers.

'Maybe it's the way you say my name'

The song played on George's ears that dragged his mouth to open and sing along.

'Maybe is the way you play your game'

He sang along. The words came out of his mouth like a soft and smooth icing on a cake. He heartedly sang along the way giving up his lonely life with the lyrics. He then remembered that day. The field. The dandelion. It came true. A beautiful and bright smile was stuck on his face. The building came into view as the repeated song came to its end.

Hopping out of his car. He basically ran to the school and looked around as his gaze fell into a pair of green eyes. It's like an endless field with tall grass that George could be lost for hours, or even days, or even forever. George smiled as Dream smiled. They both ran for a hug, not caring about a single glance that they were receiving. George was confident about this. They both looked at a certain blonde girl, stomping away before returning their gazes and laughing not caring about their surroundings.

They both hold their hands going to their respective classrooms. As soon as they broke away, George immediately missed the touch and warmth that they shared. George pouted and offered a hug for his boyfriend, again. Dream rolled his eyes but a certain smile never seems to fade as he looked at his lover's eyes. Dream, who was at least five(5) feet away came closer to George before kissing the smaller's lips. George could feel his heart quickened, looking around before kissing back. George smirked as they pulled away.

"You're such an idiot" Dream said which made George fake hurt and wiped an invisible tear away from his eyes.

"That's kinda rude. I think I'm gonna break up with you" George looked away, faking an upset expression, and started to walk away. Dream called out a 'No!' and grabbed George by the arms, turning George's face to him and kissed his lips passionately. It only lasted three(3) seconds because they're obviously not in a very private situation or place right now. George cheekily smiled,

"Now, go to your class" Dream commanded making George roll his eyes.

"Yes, sir" George responded, emphasizing the word 'sir' before turning away and going to his classroom. This might've turned Dream on as he grabbed George arms yet again,

"Let's maybe skip class?" Dream asked with a smirk but with hesitation.

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