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He woke up in his bed alone. He figured Dream went back home to get ready for school. He stood up making his head pound and his ears ring.

"Fucks sake" He mumbled through a wince. He went to find his stash of Advil and took one before drinking it with water. He decided to not take a shower since he doesn't want to die. He decided to clean his private parts only to at least not make him smell bad.

He changed his damp clothes into new and clean ones. A hoodie and a pair of gray sweatpants, the casual. He decided to take the bus for today because he was scared to drive. He waited for the bus to stop. His head wasn't pounding anymore but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. His eyes felt heavy yet very open. Hangovers are the worst.

He heard the bus in front of him making a hissing sound as he went to stand up and hop on the bus. There weren't many people on the bus so he got an easy window seat. He closed his eyes wanting to sleep but he couldn't. The small headaches started to grow making his eyes bloodshot. He heard his stomach growl because he totally didn't forget about eating.

'Fuck me' he cursed in his head as he tried to shut his eyes. The bus came to a stop getting George's attention.

'Great' he swore to himself to never party again after that. He walked towards his college. The thud of his shoes seemed to echo throughout his body like a giant walking by. His eyes felt heavy, his body felt heavy, everything felt heavy. George kept his composure and managed to get inside the air-conditioned building. The cold made him relax a little as he walked around looking for Dream to somewhat bring him back to his apartment because this was such a bad idea. He felt really stupid but unfortunately, the blonde was nowhere in sight. Probably late. He walked to his classroom before the bell and decided to doze off a bit in his armchair.

Shuffling was made around his surroundings, lifting his head and watching the crowd finding their seats. His professor came in and started to talk about their lesson. The whole class went into silence except for the annoying voice that seemed to annoy and sting George's eardrums as the professor began.

George felt like throwing up and dying as he stared into nothingness but a blur in his vision. The time went by so slowly that it felt like a decade had passed. Even centuries. George felt his body tilting to the side as his mind betrayed him. George managed to survive his first-class but the second his teacher came in he raised his hand signaling for him to go to the comfort room. The teacher noticed the look on George's face and felt worried for him. Though, George stood up and rushed out of the classroom.

He started to walk towards the cafeteria for food. He felt lightheaded for all of these. He doesn't even know what's happening around him.

He felt a hand cover his mouth from behind. His bloodshot eyes widen from terror. He kicked and kicked with all of his strength but nothing seemed to hurt the guy behind him. The familiar tiled walls dizzily danced in his vision before turning around getting a full blurry image of the man.

Brown fluffy hair, brown eyes, tall. Oh, shit.

Before he knew it his face was being shoved to the wall. He felt his pants rolling down on him just as his tears did the same. He was screwed. He felt numb and weak. Then he remembered.

He always was weak.

He felt the tears on his face rushing out like a broken tank full of water. His tears tasted bitter for they came from his heart and mind. Before he even knew it. He was being rammed by the guy. George didn't feel pleasure, instead of hurt and grief. Everything hurt. He gave up squirming, his energy was completely drained. He sobbed and sobbed begging on his knees, internally, for the guy to stop. It hit him.

Nobody's gonna love him anymore. Everyone will avoid him from now on. So what's the point of fighting against a- basically a tiger. He was just a wild bore, bothered and broken. Now, being hunted by a wild undefeatable tiger. He felt disgusted and he was only going to be a pity for other people's eyes. Dream would leave him eventually if he finds out so what's the point of everything.

He felt the guy pulled out. His jeans on the floor dirty, dusty, and damp. He gave his self up and curled into a ball hugging his jeans on his crotch as he cried. His small sobs filled the room. His hopes for his life turned into nothing but a black mist, a devil calling him names as he cried and cried. His small broken body stayed still on the dirty tiles. He was hopeless.

George's face was straight. No emotion was readable. He's back on the wall not even thinking about something. His mind shallow and blank. He felt a hand shaking his body as he immediately curled into a ball like a triggered small millipede. He started begging and crying.

Dream was taken aback taking his hands off the poor brunette. He lifted George's face gently. He saw George's face turn into terror before hugging him begging him to stay with him. He was confused yet hurt by the smaller's action. He rubbed circles on George's back reassuring George that he would stay no matter what. He felt George calm down in his arms. He saw George's face. Pale. Drained. Emotionless.

He helped George stand up also helping him with the pants. He leads George out of the comfort room. George followed him like he was giving himself up to Dream.

'What happened?' these words repeated on Dream's mind over and over again but he chose to stay quiet giving George time.

George followed Dream on Dream's car not saying a single thing. He felt bad for George. His George. He rode George home as George silently cried along the way. The tears rushed out of his eyeballs so fast yet he didn't even make an expression. Eyes blank and flooded. It was quiet except for the incoherent engine revving. George unlocked his door immediately running to his bedroom almost suffocating himself on the pillows. Dream stopped him and finally got the courage to asked but to no avail, he left the room and ordered food for him and George. Listening to the broken sobs from the bedroom.

What could've happened?

Dream couldn't help but feel like it was his fault. If only he wasn't late and he was with George this couldn't have happened. It's my fault. He thought. The tears started to build up but he blinked it off. He needs to stay strong for George but he still was confused.

I'm sorry...

F.O.O.L// DreamNotFound AUWhere stories live. Discover now