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It was dark outside. The crickets are alive and singing their happy songs. He listened to the sounds of the cars and the busy streets just outside their neighborhood. His head was pounding and his body aches but he still tried to sit up.

His attention fell on the constant talking just outside the bedroom. He grabbed his phone on the nightstand. The light flashed George's eyes making him wince as his headache pounded more on his skull. He squinted his eyes trying to see his blurry lock screen. 1:46 a.m., oh god. He was in hell.

He stood up with his hurting and jelly legs trying to catch what Dream was saying. He limped towards the door pressing his ears on the wood as he listened,

"Yeah, dad it's not enough he could've died" Dream frantically said. He seemed to be talking on the phone with his dad though saying that he could've died is an exaggeration. He knew that he wouldn't because he knew that he can take a large amount of pain unless it's mentally.

"You need to kick him out" that would be easy for Dream's dad because they have the privilege that is needed but that wasn't the problem. The problem is that he was scared that his dad wouldn't listen. After all, his dad didn't like George and personally, he doesn't like the idea of kicking someone out of the school. It's like kicking someone out of their hopes and dreams. He might be a bad guy but he felt sympathy for him and he also knows that he shouldn't.

The door hit his feet as it opens stopping the force that was pushing behind,

"George? Are you okay?" He immediately led George to the bed.

"I'm okay now, just a bit of sting here and there," George said with an assuring smile,

"What were you doing outside?" He asked even though he knew what exactly was Dream doing.

"I... I was just asking for my dad's help" Dream said. The sad tone in his voice was painfully obvious.

"Dream I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me and we can just leave the guy alone" George tried but Dream didn't like it.

"What? No, why?" Dream said with his face full of confusion. Why was he being so nice to someone who almost beat him to death? Dream confusingly thought.

"Do you know how it feels like to have your hopes that you desperately wanted and just go away? Bet you don't." George asked Dream, crossing his arms. Dream shook his head 'no'.

"Do you know how it feels like for your dreams to just— disappear out of thin air?" Dream once again shook his head.

"See? You don't know. I know that he hurt me like crazy— even sexually assaulted me and I know it's all his fault but I just feel bad for him. I know shouldn't but I do. It's just crazy how everything will disappear for something that you did out—" George was abruptly cut off.

"No, George I understand you being empathetic for him because of your past and yes it is all his fault but George what if he does it again. Would you want this to happen for someone who's done nothing to deserve this just like you? George, you're living and a part of it is sometimes you need to be selfish for others and you. Living a life is not always being great to others who don't deserve it. Instead, give it to someone to truly deserves it. I don't care if you don't want it but I will do it for you because I love you and I care about you, mkay?"

George's head was hung low. Dream was right. Sometimes people need to be selfish. It's always being great to everyone, not being empathetic for everyone. It should always be... realizing if that person truly deserves it. His eyes were full of tears from embarrassment but he didn't let it drop.

Dream grabbed George's chin making George look up to him. George immediately looks away as Dream brushed a short hair strand that was on George's lashes. They didn't say anything, letting the silence consume them like big waves.

The thing that George could only hear was his heart pounding. God, he fucking loves Dream. He smiled as he thought,

'I'm so lucky'

Dream scoots over pressing his back on the headboard patting his side signaling for George to sit beside him. George shuffled slowly and carefully to not trigger some wounds. He sat next to Dream letting his head fall on Dream's shoulder. Dream's arms were wrapped around his neck as his fingers entangled George's brown locks,

"Thank you Dream" George lovingly and genuinely whispered looking up to Dream as he gave Dream a peck on the lips. It was soft and affectionate.

"No need to thank me, George, as long as it's about you. Just always remember that I will always love you and care about you" Dream said with a smile which George returned. They stared into each other's eyes, the smiles still plastered on their lips. They let themselves drown through the pool of emeralds and the pool of chocolate. Their gaze connected like buzzing electricity going through wires that gave them a sweet shock making their spine shiver.

George's eyes became droopy and wanting the feeling of sleep. Dream's eyes were like a drug for George that made him sleepy all of the sudden even though he already slept for a long time. It feels illegal for him...

But that's how drugs work right?

That's why they're called illegal because they make people happy and lightheaded. It's almost like in real life. That you are having so much fun that sometimes it makes you feel uneasy and it feels prohibited.

That it feels like you don't deserve any of it.

Though you still can't stop because you like it. You like the feeling that's why you continued not caring about a single thing on this planet even though you know that it's bad. That it's not right. That it will turn into pain as time passes.

And with that George fell asleep on Dream's arms. They held onto each other like one of them is leaving the other anytime soon.

but it wasn't completely wrong.

F.O.O.L// DreamNotFound AUWhere stories live. Discover now