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Days and days have passed after the graduation and not a single thing has changed. Except Caoimhe moving in. Everything felt surreal. Dream was such a monster for doing this to George and Dream also thought that himself.

George laid in bed all day, all night whilst listening to the never-ending mumbling and giggles whether it's from the bedroom or downstairs. Why did Dream act like George is invisible? Like George was never there? Like George was... dead?

George doesn't understand. What did he do to deserve this?

Everything. Everything that you did.

A voice in his head popped up.

Is it really?


He can't help but cry. He lost all of his loved ones in a single click. He lost them because of him. It was all his fault. He suppressed his sob in his chest not wanting the other two(2) to hear him. His ribs hurt from his heart constantly beating faster than it should be. It pained him. Everything pained him. His small sobs quieted more as his tears stopped. His eyes felt droopy from crying and he finally stopped fighting letting his sleepiness consume him.


He walked upstairs towards the guest bedroom. The door was slightly ajar as he stepped in front of it and sighed before pushing the door open. He winced as it creaked against the floor. The small body laid on the bed turned his heart into shard pieces. George's chest fell and rose steadily as he slept. His lower half was covered with the comforter. Both of his hands resting under his face like a pillow. Dream could see those puffy eyes and chapped lips. The lips that he once owned.

He sat on the side of the bed, slowly making sure to not wake the broken figure on the bed. Dream could hear and see how much he broke the boy. It also pained him. He felt his eyes watering. He blinked and let out a large exhale before turning his face and landing his gaze all over George's body. It stayed in the same position. He grabbed the rim of the comforter, pulling it up covering George's whole body except his head. George softly stirred and a small smile emerged from his lips. Dream can't take it.

He slowly stood up and walked towards the door. He grabbed the knob and opened it slightly just enough for him to walk through. He stopped and looked back to George's sleeping figure.

He can't believe he's doing this.


George woke up. As soon as he opened his eyes his heart panged. The moon shone at him like the moon was telling him to do it. He sighed. He can't take it anymore. Everyone was too much for his broken heart. It's so broken that no one can ever seem to heal it back to normal. He stood up and packed his things. He left a hoodie back for it is useless and it's a bit grown. Though it's his favorite hoodie, he left it. Too many memories have lingered into it.

After he was done packing his clothes. He grabbed his phone. It hit George's eyes as he squinted from the sudden light around the darkroom. Should I?

He thought before clicking on the messages. He clicked Dream and his conversation. He smiled as he scrolled through it. The message was old and almost a year ago. Except for the graduation.

'Hi Dream, I'm sorry that I gave up but the pain that you gave me was enough for my well-being. I tried to stay with you and never let you go but you did it yourself. I just want to know why? Why did you do it? Did you even love me? I hope you could answer me in another lifetime.

I hope you have a great life with Caoimhe. She's gorgeous so I kinda understand you. Remember Dream that it's not your fault. I still love you, I truly do but I can't take it anymore. I was so stupid at the fact that I believed that you still love me. I was such a fool to ignore the fact that you're falling out of love. I'm also sorry that you can't see my mother as I promised you from that horrible night. I wish you a great life... without me. This is probably the last time that I will text you. I love you Dream and I always will. Goodbye <3'

He hovered on the send button before pressing it and putting it in his pocket. He grabbed his suitcases and got by the door on time as he heard the bedroom door open. He immediately put all of it on the trunk and drove as fast as he can. He could see a silhouette watching him from the distance. There stood hopeless.

His tears blocked his vision as the blinding light shone on it. His breath was ragged and his heart beating faster than a cheetah. He was overwhelmed but he couldn't quite catch it if its a bad one or a good one.

Though after all those blurry driving he still managed to not crash and get into a small hotel. It's not the greatest but it's not bad. Just good for him. He held his face down as he walked into the building making sure that people can't see how fucked up he had become.

He asked for the reception and got a small room. He walked around the hotel, pulling his two(2) huge and heavy cases behind him. He found his room number, at the top of his door was the three(3) numbers '529' in bold numbers. He hovered his card on the scanner as the door clicked.

He didn't sleep that night. He ordered pizza for dinner but never ate anything and it hit him. All the memories, gone. All of their future was gone into thin air. Just like that. He cried all night and he fell asleep around eight(8) in the morning.

It was a dreamless sleep where he could just be peaceful. That he could just be him for a moment. Before a voice called him. The oh-so-familiar, sweet, and manly voice that he missed and loves more than a person could. He turned around as a monster ran towards him.

Its body was red, pearly white fangs, and blue eyes. It clawed at him as he shot up on his bed panting. He grabbed his phone and immediately scrolled through flights. He will go back to Europe and he will go back to his streaming career for his supporters and after that, he tweeted an apology.

He will get through this.

F.O.O.L// DreamNotFound AUWhere stories live. Discover now