Chapter 204

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Chen Lifeng's other courtyard.

"Grandpa, thank you." Chen Xu said intimately to Chen Lifeng.

"I am your grandfather, what kind of politeness have you with me, how have you been in these twenty years?" Chen Lifeng asked Chen Xu with a loving look at Chen Xu.

"Very good, exciting. Grandpa, I killed a lot of sea beasts over there. Everyone calls me my predecessor, the ancestor."

Looking at the excited look on Chen Xu's face, Chen Lifeng nodded and said, "Xu'er, it's so powerful now. The younger generation is as powerful as you are."

"I'm lucky."

"Did Xiao Xiaodong bully you!" Mentioning Xiao Xiaodong, Chen Lifeng's tone unconsciously brought out some dissatisfaction.

Chen Xu shook his head and said, "No, Xiaodong is very kind to me, my contract beast, or he helped me contract."

"That kid's skill, it really does." Chen Lifeng said with reluctance.

Chen Lifeng secretly said: A few years ago, Qiao Xiang was promoted to Jin Dan, and Wu Shuangzong played gongs and drums, and everyone in the world wished to get it. As a result, everyone in the Xiao family was Jin Dan, and everyone was no worse than Qiao Xiang. 'S genius is no different than the Xiao family.

Although Chen Lifeng was satisfied with Xiao Xiaodong, when he mentioned Xiao Xiaodong, he couldn't always put a good face on his face.

Chen Xu flaunted: "Uncle Xiao's family is very powerful."

Chen Lifeng looked at the ice-blue little octopus on Chen Xu's shoulder and said, "This octopus is good. If you say, this little octopus contains the Yuanying Yaodan left by its mother. Then this little guy will have 8 in the future. Nine can advance to Yuanying."

Chen Xu nodded and said, "I think so too."

"Xiao Xiaodong collected this monster for you?" Chen Lifeng asked.

"Yes! Xiaodong's contract beast persuaded the Yuanying demon, and that Yuanying demon made the octopus contract with me." Chen Xudao.

"Count him." Although Chen Lifeng was very satisfied with Xiao Xiaodong in his heart, he still didn't care about others.

"Grandpa, don't ask too much. In fact, Xiaodong is really good!" Chen Xudao.

Chen Lifeng looked at Chen Xu and said that he hated iron and steel: "This kid is very slick, but you treat him like a good person."

Chen Xu felt his stomach helplessly and said: Xiao Dong is not a slippery, it is smart.

"Grandpa, don't you have such a big prejudice against Xiaodong! In fact, he is a good person." Much stronger than Qiao Xiang, Chen Xu always felt that when he was arrested and forced to become a miner, there was something to do with Qiao Xiang Related.

Chen Lifeng shook his head and said helplessly: "Look at you, marrying someone so outgoing, grandpa is also for your sake, and you are cheated."

Chen Xu embraced Chen Lifeng's arm and said, "Grandpa, I'm not that stupid."

"Qiao Xiang, we married a woman from Wushuangzong years ago." Chen Lifeng said.

Chen Xu nodded calmly, "Qiao Xiang is not too young, it is time to get married. Grandpa, I and Qiao Xiang have long gone. Don't worry about it, as if I can't bear him. ."

Chen Lifeng smiled embarrassedly and said, "That is, that is." Xiao Xiaodong also took Xiling Lingdan, which is also Shan Linggen. Although it was shaped the day after tomorrow, it was also Shan Linggen anyway, which was worse than Qiao Xiang. Not much.

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