Chapter 316

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Crescent Village.

"Master Tianyi, don't you go and see Miss Zhang Yuxue?" Wei Liao asked.

Xiao Jingting suddenly raised his head and stared at Wei Liao coldly, "Why? What should I do, and you have to take care of things in Wei."

"Dare not dare!" Wei Liao said quickly.

Xiao Jingting carried his hands on his shoulders and stared at Wei Liao sharply, saying with scorn: "Wei Guanshi, I remind you again, close your mouth, don't point fingers at me, if you think this place is bad, just go Go back to your master and continue to shake your tail. You don’t have to put a bad face here. It seems like you have been aggrieved."

Wei Liao's face blocked by Xiao Jingting was blue and white.

Xiao Jingting didn't look at Wei Liao's complexion and walked away.

Looking at Wei Liao's distorted face, Zhang He walked in front of Wei Liao and said with a smile: "Wei Guanshi, are you okay, young master has a bad temper, and hope Haihan!"

Wei Liao glanced coldly at Zhang He and turned away without a word.

Zhang He thought about the gloomy face before Wei Liao left, but only felt a little more satisfied. Being dispatched to Xinyue Mountain Villa was enough for Zhang He to succumb, but his wife also inserted a Wei Liao here. What Zhang He wanted to do had to be restrained by Wei Liao.

"Wei Guanshi, the young master does not go to Miss Zhang Yuxue to be attentive, which is a good thing! Why should you remind him!" Wei Liao said beside a guard.

Wei Liao narrowed his eyes and said, "I just think that this approach is not very consistent with the young master's usual nature."

Zhang Tianyi always thought highly of himself, and seized the opportunity and wanted to climb up. This time, Xiao Jingting did not go to Zhang Yuxue. Wei Liao felt unreasonable. This young master, his temper seems to be growing. Too.


Zhang He went to Xiao Jingting and called out, "Young Master."

Xiao Jingting looked at Zhang He and said, "What's wrong with Zhang Guanshi?"

"Master, Miss Zhang woke up, would you like to see it?" Zhang He asked.

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said: "No need, I have seen it before."

It is a pity that Zhang He secretly said in his heart! If the real Zhang Tianyi is here, just take the opportunity to catch Zhang Yuxue, but this is a fake in front of him, if Zhang Yuxue knows the twists and turns around here, I am afraid that the impression of the Zhang family will be extremely poor. .

"It doesn't matter if you don't see it, the province shows its feet." Zhang He said.

In Zhang He's view, Xiao Jingting's cultivation practice is much worse than Zhang He's, and alchemy is also much worse. If it appears in front of Zhang Yuxue, it may lower Zhang Yuxue's evaluation of Zhang Tianyi, or hide it and maintain mystery. .

"Yang Wang is good-looking, the devil is hard to get around, and Zhang Yuxue has Zhang Bei and Zhang Fang in front of him, why should I go to join in the excitement." Xiao Jingting said lightly.

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