Chapter 297

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Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan arrived at the location and saw only a monk and a shemale.

"Xiao Daoyou, you may be here, but let me wait!" the monk smiled.

"Is there only two Taoists?" Xiao Jingting asked somewhat puzzled.

The monk nodded, "Exactly."

"Where is the passage?" Xiao Jingting asked directly.

"At the bottom of the lake." The monk said with beads in his hands.

Xu Muan stood next to Xiao Jingting, watching the two eyes full of alertness.

Xiao Jingting suppressed his confusion and followed two people into a lake bottom. Xiao Jingting never thought that the passage from the eleventh floor to the twelfth floor was hidden in the deep lake, and I did not know whether they found it. .

"The two Taoists are really looking at the fire and the passage is so secret, if I look for it, I'm afraid that it will not be found if I am afraid of a hundred years." Xiao Jingting said.

"If it weren't for Liu Daoyou, he likes playing with a group of beautiful male ducks, and he can't easily find such a secret entrance." The monk sighed.

Xiao Jingting Xin expressed the emotion of the monk, speechless, and playing with a group of beautiful male and female ducks, this hobby of the old ancestor of the **** is really similar to the king of Shangzi who built the Jiuchi Roulin.

Through the channel at the bottom of the lake, Xiao Jingting and others finally entered the twelfth floor, which was a huge teleportation array.

Seeing the fairy crystal embedded in the array, Xiao Jingting was immediately excited.

"The quality of this fairy crystal seems to be higher than the fairy crystal of the fairyland of the fairyland!" Xiao Jingting's eyes glowed.

The monk shook his head and said with great awe, "This immortal crystal can't move. If you want to start this formation, you must need the immortal crystal. We can't break the road of future generations' ascension for the sake of our own self."

The gluttonous demon beast looked at the formation, and said to Xiao Jingting: "The old monk is right, this formation really needs such quality of immortal crystal to urge, and I estimate the spiritual power left in this immortal crystal, Can only support three teleports, depending on how the formation looks,

Send up to four people at a time. "

"However, what the old monk said was for the sake of one's own self, to ruin the path of future generations' ascension. This is indeed a very impressive statement."

"I guess that this old guy must have tried to dismantle the fairy crystal in the past, but it has not succeeded, but it is very strange! The old monk and the **** are not like selfless people, why should they pull How about you."

The old monk looked at Xiao Jingting and said, "Dao Xiaoyou, how are you looking at this formation?"

"Awesome." Xiao Jingting boasted with admiration.

The old monk nodded and said with great admiration: "Yeah! The formation wizards of our world are afraid that such a powerful formation cannot be arranged. This formation should be arranged by the people of the fairy world and belongs to the fairy world. Means, the means of immortals are really unpredictable," the old monk said, saying: "Unfortunately, this formation cannot be launched yet."

Xiao Jingting immediately realized that the highlight was coming, "Why can't it be launched?"

"My friend Liu Xian and Dao studied a bit and found that this large array still lacks a key." The old monk said.

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